Chapter 13 - Talks and Tartarus

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Hello! I'm back! The meme above is one of my favorites so tell me what you think about it. But honestly, it's so true, I was so shocked!!
Like did Jason hold up the sky for you? No.
Did Jason jump into Tartarus for you? No.
Did Jason—
Wait, I'm just gonna stop because if I don't, I'll go onto a full on rant.
So here's your chapter!

Annabeth's POV
I wish I could have a dreamless sleep for once. But alas, such luck didn't exist for me.

I was in a place filled with poisoned air. No food or water. The worst place in the world. Tartarus.

The sulfuric acid air made it hard to breathe but I trudged on. Then I heard a voice.

Wisdoms daughter... it said.
I stopped in my tracks. And then the flashbacks began.

I closed my eyes shut as a gut wrenching sensation took me over. When I opened my eyes, I was back in time.

I saw Percy and Misery in front of me. I looked away. I couldn't bear to see him like that. Controlling someone. Torturing someone. The same way Kronos did to Luke.

That was a mistake. I should've kept my eyes open. Looking at Percy was better than what I felt next.

I felt blind. I remembered when I thought all had left me. I screamed for Percy.
I lay on the floor crying and screaming.

"Percy!!" I screamed. "Come back! I can't lose you! Not again!!!"

No response. I gave up and continued to sob, occasionally screaming.

I could feel myself shaking. Almost like someone was shaking me. Like someone was causing an earthquake.

I gasped and shot upwards. I was still breathing heavily and I buried my head in my hands, not noticing that someone might have heard me.

I don't know how long I stayed there but I knew that I couldn't stand it anymore.
I got up and ran towards the door.

I scrambled down the staircase only to see Nico staring at me.

Of course he didn't want to sleep either. Poor Nico. He went through it alone. The only reason I made it out was because of Percy.

I was about to say something when I saw a figure frantically running down the other staircase.

I didn't have enough time to figure out who it was because they crushed me with a hug and sighs of relief.

Ron's POV
Bloody Hell! This death eater was about to destroy us when a scream from the girls dormitory saved us.

That was a close one. Nicos attention was now altered towards the scream. His expression changed from angry to concerned and pain.

I glanced at Harry and whispered, "What in the name of Merlins Bread was that?"

He shrugged and whispered, "I don't know that but I do know that we have to find out."

I nodded and looked at the girls staircase. I knew that we couldn't climb up those stairs as boys weren't allowed. So we waited and watched.

Soon enough, Annabeth came stumbling down the stairs sobbing. She must've been the one who screamed. I wonder why.

She turned her gaze to Nico and seemed to be thinking about something which only caused her more tears.


Another figure had slammed into Annabeth. At first, I thought that it was a random person and was about to jump out when I noticed that it was Percy.

They both crushed each other with a hug and closed their eyes. It was like watching a romantic TV show. Bleh.

While I internally gagged I noticed that they were whispering to each other. I tried to listen in but failed.

Hmmmm, I wondered how Nico was holding up. But when I looked over to him, he wasn't there.

Dang that guy's good! I bet he would make a great spy! Wait, what if he is a spy? That could explain his goth vibes and sneaky footsteps.

My thoughts were cut short when Harry tapped my shoulder and motioned for me to follow him back to our dorm.

I glanced back at Percy and Annabeth to see if the coast was clear.

They were both now laying on the couch and cuddling. As gross as it was, they were kind of cute.

Harry and I quietly walked up the stairs.
Once we were in the dorm, I said, "We need to tell Hermione. Like why did they come down at the exact same time? That's too good to be true."

Harry nodded. "I agree. They are definitely different and hiding something. Plus, Jason and Percy both have death eater tattoos and Nico probably does too!"

We decided to discuss more in the morning and so with that we both tried to sleep.

Percy's POV
I was having a horrible dream about Tartarus. I was torturing Misery while Annabeth looked away and then the scene changed. Annabeth was screaming out blindly, yelling my name.

I tried to reassure her that I was here. "Annabeth!! I'm here! Don't worry!" I yelled..

But she didn't hear me.

It hurt me to see her like this. She started sobbing on the floor and I woke up screaming her name.

I ran out our dorm and down the staircase, I spotted her standing by the couch.

She turned her head towards me and ran towards me. I did the same. We collided and I hugged her hard.

"I don't wanna lose you." She whispered between sobs.

"Me neither." I whispered into her hair.

We stayed like that for who knows how long. Eventually, our breathing evened and we fell asleep on the couch in each other's arms.

Hello Demiwizards! Sorry, it was kind of a horrible chapter. I was really trying to update but couldn't find time. I have a bit of writers block. But I updated for those you who care! Anyway, hope you enjoyed and don't be a shy reader! Comment ideas and vote!!
If you dare...

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