Chapter 25 - The most surprising classes in history

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Hermiones POV
I picked up my books and carefully placed them into my bag.

Time for the next class which happened to be Greek Mythology.

This was a new added course and I was curious to know why this class was required.

I quickly entered the new classroom to see that my friends were already settled I to their seats and chattering about.

I sat down in an empty seat next to Piper.

She gave me a welcoming smile and then turned her head back to the ongoing conversation.

"What is this class even for?" Ron was saying.

Percy grinned with a knowing smile.
"Well maybe this class will help you, I mean you never know."

I shook my head. I still couldn't quite understand why this was needed but perhaps the new green eyed boy had a point.

Just then the door from the teachers office swung open to reveal a woman who seemed to be in her late 40s. She had long dark hair with graying roots. Her brown eyes were surrounded by wrinkles that could only be from smiling too much.

Instantly I felt better and I knew this was going to be an interesting class.

She looked us all over once, her eyes scanning as if she was looking for something.

"Hello everyone!" She spoke with enthusiasm.

Winking she said,
"I am Professor Jackson but you can call me Sally!"

Percy's POV

How?? How is she here?

I blinked repeatedly, little black dots blurred my vision.

But she was still here. She's HERE!

I jumped up from my seat, ready to give my mom the biggest hug ever!

But before I could even get a squeal out, she looked at me with her "Sit your butt back down but I love you too" look and I knew that I couldn't risk exposing ourselves so I fidgeted back into my seat, my hands shaking from excitement.

I know I know. I'm 'overreacting'.
But can you blame me?

I hadn't seen my mom since the end of the war last summer as I spent the days after at Camp Half Blood helping.

I looked over to my demigod friends and they all looked equally as surprised.

"So, as you all know I am the Greek Mythology teacher and I assure you that this class will not be boring!" My mom encouraged us and started off a lesson about how the gods came to be and how Kronos was a cannibalist blah blah.


As happy as I was, I still couldn't wrap my head around why mom was here.

She could get seriously injured if anything happened and I'm not going to allow that!

Patiently, I waited til the end of class.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2022 ⏰

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