Chapter 19 - We go to a Forbidden Place

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Harry's POV
"Hogwarts to Harry?!"
I snapped my head up at Hermiones words.

"What were you thinking about Harry?" She asked. Ron leaned towards in his arm chair, interested in what I had to say.

I looked around. We were in the Gryffindor Common Room. There was no one in sight.

The 7 exchange students hadn't come to dinner or History of Magic.

After they got kicked out of Herblogy, I haven't seen any of them.

It was about an hour past midnight.

I wonder where they have gone. Wait. What if they left school grounds?

Suddenly curious, I racked my brain for any possible place that they could have gone.

New students, very curious about everything, hmmm, where would they go?

"I got it!" I snapped my fingers.

"Got what mate?" Ron questioned. "A disease?"

"I know where the new students went!" I ignored Ron.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Hermione asked. "Why do you care anyways? I thought you didn't like them."

"It's not that. They never showed up after Sprouts lesson and they were very excited to explore." I let the information sink in.


"So, they could be doing something dangerous! Think about it! They're new and could've wandered off." I explained.

Hermione opened her mouth to say something but was interrupted by 3 Gryffindors walking through the portrait door.

Jason, Piper, and Leo. Where were the other four though?

The teenagers stopped in their tracks.

"Oh I didn't think that anyone would still be awake." Piper said.

"Well—" Hermione started to say something but was again interrupted by the sound of fireworks?

It sounded like it was coming from outside.

I rushed to the window, my friends close behind. I turned towards the Forbidden Forest and saw red sparks in the sky.

Someone was in trouble.

I kept following the sparks as they got closer and closer to the castle.

Then the sparks stopped.

It was dead silent for a solid minute.

I glanced at Ron. His expression matched my thoughts.

Someone had been in the forest and was now in danger.

Jason's POV
As soon as I saw those red sparks I knew that our friends had something to do with it.

I pulled Piper and Leo to the side.
"Percy, Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia have to be there!" I said.

I ran through the portrait, Piper and Leo hot on my heels.

I admit I took some wrong turns but eventually made it to the wooden doors at the entrance.

I ran towards them and just as I was about to push them Ron, Hermione, and Harry panted into sight.

"How... can you... run so... fast?" Ron breathes heavily.

"Well at our camp we do a lot of running sports." Piper put charm speak into her words.

The wizards nodded in understanding.
"Wait." Hermione stopped. "What are we doing here?"

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