Chapter 14 - A Blue Breakfast

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That is a picture of (can you guess?) Percy's breakfast.

Thalia's POV
I woke up the next day only to find Annabeth's bunk empty, empty???

Where could she have possibly have gone? Annabeth wasn't really known to sneak out.

I woke up Piper and asked, "Do you know where Annabeth is?"

She shook her head and widened her eyes. "Why? Is she not there?" She asked.

I looked at her concerned and that's all she needed to know.

"Well where could've she gone?" Piper wondered.

"I don't know." I replied. "But we should go down and tell the others."

She nodded and we both hurriedly got dressed.

We started walking down the staircase only to see people gathering around someone on the couch.

No, someTWO people on the couch.

As I looked closer, I realized it was none other than Percy and Annabeth.

Ugh, of course! They probably had a nightmare and decided to come down.
I'm so stupid.

While I was mentally scolding myself, Jason, Leo, and Nico, came running down the stairs.

"Hey, have you seen Percy?" Jason asked.
I lazily pointed to the couch and they all signed in relief.

To be honest, it was kind of funny because both of them were still asleep and completely oblivious to their surroundings.

I pushed through the crowd and yelled, "Alright everyone get a move on! I'll deal with these two."

Smirking, I touched Percy's shoulder and he jolted up as a shock went through his body.

He glared at me and then said, "Hold on, I'll wake up Annabeth."

He shook her lightly and whispered, "Annabeth? Wake up." She groaned and sat up.

"I don't want to." She mumbled. "I didn't get enough sleep." And put her hands around his chest, hugging Percy.

Oh. Whoops. Am I interrupting something?

My cue to leave before things get out of hand. I awkwardly backed away and shouted behind me, "Hurry up! Breakfast is in 2 minutes!"

I didn't need to turn around to know that Annabeth had probably jumped up at this and ran up the stairs, not wanting to be late.

I chuckled at the thought and made my way down towards the Great Hall along with everyone else.

Percy's POV
After that embarrassing scene in the common room, I quickly got ready and walked with Annabeth to the Great Room.

We joined our friends at the Gryffindor table and I started to eat my blue pancakes. Mmmm. They were soooo good!

But my moms are still better.
I got some weird looks from the wizards and Harry asked, "Why are your pancakes blue?"

I smiled, "Well, that's because they are the best!"

He frowned, "Okayyyy."

I'm not sure if that was the answer he was looking for but oh well right?

Whatever. They were missing out. I should invite them over to my apartment so they can taste my moms blue pancakes.
Mmmm. Just thinking about it made my mouth drool.

"Percy!" Annabeth exclaimed, waving a hand in front of my face.

"Hi!" I stupidly said. Then I did a mental facepalm.

She rolled her eyes. "Did you look at your time table?"

I looked in front of me and noticed a paper that hadn't been there before.

Oops? I sheepishly smiled at her.
Anyways, my time table went like this,

9 am - Breakfast
10 am - Transfiguration
11 am - Free Period
12 - LUNCH!!!!!! 😋
1:30 pm - Potions
3:30 pm - Herbology
4:30 pm - History of Magic
6:30 pm - Dinner

Well, this was going to be a busy day.
Wait. I could read that!!
What the actual Hades?
I looked at the paper once more closely.

Oh. It was in Ancient Greek. I guess since the teachers knew we were dyslexic, they had special ones made for us.

"What are y'all's classes?" I asked.

"All of the 7th years in Gryffindor have the same classes, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth teased.

I blushed bright red.

I really am a Seaweed Brain.

Hello guys! I'm so sorry that was a bit short. I don't know what to do next in the story so if you have ideas please comment. That would help a lot!
Also, I am thinking about starting a PJO/HoO head-cannon and meme story thing for fun.
I don't know if anyone will actually read it so I need feedback on that please!
Also, should I do questions every chapter?
I'll update once I get feedback!
Thank you readers!
If you dare...

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