Chapter 24 - Divination

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Hermione's POV
I looked at my best friend in shock as I realized what he was saying.

"You're the new DADA teacher?" I asked.

He grinned and shouted, "Surprise!"

I smiled and gave him a big hug, Ron joining in as well.

"Who thought after all these years we'd finally get a decent teacher!" Ron joked.

I laughed along with my friends, until I turned around to see the class staring at us.

"Hey Harry we'll talk you after class. Or should I call you Professor Potter?" I messed around with him.

He smirked. "No it's okay. You can still call me Harry."

I dragged Ron away from the front of the class and we took our respective seats.

~After DADA~

Ron's POV
"Mate that was awesome!" I congratulated while giving Harry a huge hug.

"Why didn't you tell us before though? You know we were all very worried about where you were." Hermione scolded as she joined the conversation.

Harry shrugged. "I wanted it to be a surprise."

"Well maybe you can tell me more about it in Divination which happens to be our next class." I sighed.

"I have Muggle Studies. I'll see you later?" Hermione told us.

"Bye!" Harry and I called out at the same time as she left the room.

We trailed after her and caught up to our other friends who also had Divination.

"So what's this class for?" Jason curiously asked.

"I'm sorry to tell you it's actually very boring, even Hermione hates it, hence why she's not here." Harry sighed.

I pushed my way between Harry and Jason. "The only way to pass is to make stuff up, unless you're psychic."

Percy smiled and opened his mouth as to say something but quickly shut it, as if he couldn't.

It was too late say anything, as we all reached the classroom.

Once we were all in our seats, Professor Trelawney appeared.

And of course she went to go and babble on and on about.

I didn't listen of course. It was all fake. Except the creepy prophecy thing.

Slouching in my chair, I watched as she demonstrated how to 'gaze into the crystal ball'

Great. So now we have to look into a glass ball and predict each other's future.

She partnered us up and I was with Harry. Well this'll be just like old times.

"I will read your future first." Harry sighed.

Just as he was about to read about how I would die from being eated by an angry walrus, I heard something glass shattering.

Both Harry and I jumped up and turned to see what the commotion was.

Fog arose from somewhere within the room, and I started coughing.

Trying to wave it out of the way, I heard a raspy voice, "YOU! You two have been through far too much! And you! You are even worse. All of you!!"

I knew that voice. Professor Trelawney.

But the real question was, who was she talking about?

The fog cleared and revealed a normal Trelawney standing beside all of the foreign students.

Could it be possible..??

I glanced over at Harry and he seemed to thinking the same thing.

He motioned for me to sit down, but I kept my eyes glued on my new friends.

They seemed very shaken and were whispering amongst themselves.

We decided to tell Hermione later during our next class which was a class no one is had ever gone to or even was offered at Hogwarts.

Greek Mythology.

Percy's POV
How could she have known? How could this Professor Trelawney have known about us? Or some what know.

None of us really understood how but we guessed that she was sort of like Rachel.

But the wizard world version?

Anyways the next class was Greek Mythology and I can assure you that I would have no problems with that.

Hello readers if you're still here. I know I haven't updated. But finally I decided to today. Have a good day!

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