Chapter 10 - Singing Hats and McDonalds?

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Thalia's POV
Can Annabeth ever shut up?! Okay yes I love her and she's my best friend forever but I swear the minute she saw Hogwarts her mouth opened and it never closed. I mean the architecture was awesome yeah, but for gods sake I didn't even know what she was saying! The words were all jumbled together.

Hermione smiled smugly at this while us demigods just mostly ignored Annabeth as this was expected anyways.

Instead, something unexpected happened. Annabeth somehow snapped out of her daze and said, "We need to change into our robes!"

Ugh! I was seriously dreading this. They looked like night gowns, for people in the 80s! Why can't they just have a normal uniform? Why do they even have a uniform?! I like my clothes way better. They have more style.

Anyways, we all got changed and just in time too because the train stopped and people started pushing out.

Particularly this one guy with platinum blond hair. He was shoving younger kids out of the way like they were just ants on the sidewalk! I glared at him and he unfortunately noticed.

His eyes widened and he smirked. "Hey gurl!" He called out. "Come on over yeah?"

I ignored him though I was tempted to punch him and then shove his wand up his nose. I snickered at the idea.

As we got out, a tall hairy man was directing first years to the boats. Percy immediately turned to Annabeth, pleading with her. Annabeth just shook her head and pulled Percy to the carriages.

They were being pulled by weird looking skeletal horses so I asked, "What are those?"

Ginny gaped at me. "You can see them?"

"Umm yeah?" I answered. I wasn't sure if it was a good thing. "Can't everyone?"

"Well only people who have seen death can see them. So, you have all seen death?" Hermione explained.

I stole a glance at my friends. Slowly Annabeth answered. "Well yeah. You won't believe it."

The wizards seemed to understand that the subject was to be dropped and we all boarded the carriages. Wizards in one and Demigods in another.

Harry's POV
These people were soooo weird! I mean, first they pass out when the dementors (okay I passed out too but that was because of the flashbacks) came and then they act like they have seen more death than me. That's ridiculous!

Also, when we changed into our robes, Jason and Percy had a tattoo on their forearms which kind of looked like a dark mark but I wasn't sure.

And then, they can see the thestrals? So they've all seen death? Hmmmm.

My trust has been broken countless times and I'm not completely sure that they won't break it either.

I don't know if I should trust them. They all seem kind of creepy and scary. Like Nico. He has got to be a death eater! I mean, just look at him!

But they also are friendly. I guess I just won't have to get on their bad side.

Piper's POV
As we approached the castle in the carriages, a woman in her 70s wearing emerald green robes came over to us.

She smiled and said, "Hello! You lot must be the exchange students! I am the headmistress McGonagall. Now, you all will be sorted into 4 houses. They are Gryffindor, the brave and courageous. Hufflepuff, the kind and loyal. Slytherin, the cunning and ambitious. Ravenclaw, the intelligent and smart."

"Now you all please follow me into the great hall." She led us towards the castle and into the hall.

There were 4 tables for which I assumed for the 4 houses.

I saw Harry, Hermione, Ron, and Ginny at the scarlet and golden table. Hopefully we all would get in the same house so we could become friends and complete our quest.

Almost everyone was looking at us and whispering. I heard giggles from the girls and wolf whistles from boys. I squeezed Jason's hand.

The same lady who explained to us about the houses, walked up to the front of the hall and said, "As you all can see, we have 7 exchange students joining us this year. We are trying something new after all that has happened. Please respect them like any other. Now, the first years shall be sorted, then the new students."

And with that she held up a filthy hat.

Leo's POV
The only thing I could register right now was that, if this place has singing hats then this will be better than I thought!!

Also how would that work? Imagine how long it must've taken them to build that hat. Wait. Never mind. They probably just waved their wand and boom! The hat talks!

The headmistress put the hat down and it started singing a song that I didn't quite catch due to my excitement.

I anxiously waited for the younger kids to be sorted and then finally it was our turn. The lady, (McDonalds I think? I wasn't really paying attention when she introduced herself. Mmmm... McDonald's though. Great now I'm hungry!!!) called up Jason first.

"Gryffindor!" The hat shouted.

Next was Piper. "McLean Piper."

Many people gasped at this, probably because her dad was like a Star I guess. How they knew that I have no idea but like most things, it's fine.


"Grac-" McDonalds was cut off by Thalia who said, "It's Thalia. Just Thalia!" The hall went quiet. If looks could kill, McDonalds would've been long gone.

She sat down on the stool and within a couple seconds the hat yelled, "Gryffindor!"

Annabeth and Nico were also in Gryffindor though the hat looked shaken.

"Valdez, Leo" I lept up onto the stool.

I felt the hat on my hat when it said, eh tough life. Lost mom at very young age, child of Hephaestus, hmmm. Would do good in Ravenclaw? No no not quite. Well then better be, "Gryffindor!"

The table on the far left erupted into cheers as I walked towards my friends and sat down.

Percy's POV
Are you kidding me? Of course I'm last! I'm always last! Even in school but that makes more sense I guess, At this point I didn't care. After Leo sat down at the Gryffindor table I marched up to the stool, and sat down without being called up.

I'll do whatever the heck I want! Plus the last time a teacher called my name, it didn't go well.

McGonagall raised an eyebrow but placed the hat on my head anyways.

Hmmm. The hat said inside my head. The voice seemed to echo. Very loyal I see very loyal indeed. Would do great in HufflePuff.

Oh no no no. I wanted to be with my friends and Annabeth.

Oh you want to be with your friends? The other demigods? Yes yes, I will take that into consideration. Well then, better be..
"Gryffindor!" The hat shouted.

I grinned and ran over to Annabeth, pecked her on the cheek and sat down.
Then I noticed the problem. And boy was it a BIG problem.

"Why are the plates empty!?!" I yelled.
Everyone looked at me except my friends who should probably be used to this by now.

"Relax Seaweed Brain." Annabeth said. Then she leaned next to my ear and whispered. "The plates will fill themselves magically. Hermione explained it all to me."

"Oh." I said. "Oops?"

My friends laughed and I joined them. The wizards looked confused but who cares because it's time to eat!!

Heyyy Demiwizards! Hope you liked that chapter! Tell me if you like it!!
If you dare...

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