Chapter 15 - McDonalds Class is funner than we thought.

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Leo's POV
Our first class was transfiguration. I wonder how classes work in a magical school. It couldn't be that different.
Except maybe it's more fun.

Percy would know. He's been kicked out of every school he's ever attended.

Well his life's tough.

Anyways, now we were all walking towards McDonalds classroom after breakfast.

The classroom looked normal I would say. Nothing too unusual. Just a bit old fashioned with the quills and parchment.

I sat down next to a random HufflePuff girl who started giggling.

Ehhh! All the ladies just love Leo!! But Calypso will always be my true love. Sorry folks! I'm taken!

I gave her a smile and she blushed. I guess finding good looking guys was hard in this world.

I looked over at the others to see Percy and Annabeth sitting together, Piper and Jason, and then to my surprise, Nico and Thalia.

They seemed to be arguing no doubt about it. I could tell from Thalia's scowl and Nicos smile.

After what seemed like forever, the teacher walked in the classroom and introduced herself. I didn't see how that was necessary because she was the headmaster. And yes, I did pay attention little bit.

Apparently, we were doing something about transfiguring other people into animals.

Frank would've been great at this if it had been 'turn into any animal'

We were supposed to be practicing on our table partners so I got up, and tried to cast the spell on the girl.

To be honest, I actually had no idea what I was supposed to say or do but it came to me naturally because of Hecate's blessing.
Same with the other demigods.

I waved my arm, and said, "Mutatio animalis!"
(I didn't know what the spell was and couldn't find it on google so I made it up!)

At once, the girl had turned into a butterfly. A butterfly? What even?
I couldn't help but burst out laughing. I mean, I made her into a butterfly?

That's the least likely animal.
Oh well. Guess Hecates blessing isn't all too accurate. 

The other demigods had also managed to turn their partner into an animal.

Percy turned Annabeth into an owl.
Annabeth turned Percy into a guinea pig. Why that was funny I don't know why.
Jason turned Piper into a dove.

Piper turned Jason into an eagle.
The only people who didn't follow instructions were Nico and Thalia because none of them were responsible or payed any attention.

Thalia turned Nico into a corn plant.
As revenge, Nico turned Thalia into a pinecone.

By this time all of us were rolling around laughing our heads off. Except Annabeth who was half laughing and half running away from Percy.

Percy looked a bit pale but other than that he was fine too. Laughing and chasing his girlfriend.

Thalia and Nico were fuming at each other and laughing. Somehow.
Huh. So many mixed emotions.
The classroom was chaos. The wizards looked confused but clearly joined in on the fun too.

Except the golden trio. Why they were called that I don't know. They weren't very bright and gold.

The three friends stood in a line glaring at each of us.

They seriously need to let loose a bit and have some fun. Like, we had gone through  a war (2 wars for Percy, Annabeth, Nico, and Thalia), lost our friends and were still having fun. Our ceased friends wouldn't have wanted us to be depressed our whole lives.

We were still ROFL when McDonalds shouted, "EVERYONE! TO YOUR SEATS NOW!"

Man was she scary when she was mad. Not as scary as Annabeth but close.
I gulped and sat back down. The others followed.

"Now," She fumed. "You are all to complete a 8 inch essay on the safety of Transfiguration as punishment. I do not tolerate goofing around in my class."
She tried to frown but I thought I saw a smile tugging on her lips.

"You are dismissed." She ordered.
And with that we filed out the door.

Hello Demiwizards! Thank you for reading!
Guess what? I started a new book! So go on and check it out! Also, is it just me or do I have quiet readers? Don't be afraid to let me know if you liked it or not!

Question of the chapter - Who is the first monster that Percy defeats?!


If you dare...

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