Chapter 9 - Black souless things continue to torture us

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Percy's POV
I heard a scream and turned around to find that both Harry and Nico had collapsed. "Nico!!" I yelled.

I glanced around and saw that Jason and Piper looked like they were fighting against some kind of invisible force.

Leo and Thalia looked somewhat effected but didn't pass out like Nico. I held Annabeth close.

I was close to uncapping Riptide (though I wasn't sure if it would hurt the monster) when Annabeth clutched me tighter and started to scream. "ANNABETH!" I shouted.

Before I could attempt to do anything,
she passed out on the seat.

These demon things think that they can hurt my friends? Oh gods no!

I whirled back towards the demons and yelled at the top of my lungs, "Hey! You ugly soulless demons!"

This caught their attention and they turned to face me.

"Hurt me! Not them!!" I shrieked.

They looked at me with an intense gaze, if that was possible because they didn't have any eyes.

I think.

Suddenly, I was felt like I was hit with a tons of buses, filled with books, that only Annabeth could read.

You know the big horrible ones with like a million pages and tiny ant sized words? Yup! Those ones and as you can guess it wasn't great.

I heard screaming only this time, it wasn't my friends. It was my moms.

I saw her being held by the Minotaur. Then I saw Grover, on Polyphemus' island. Annabeth holding up the sky. Me taking her place. The gray streaks. Nico blaming me for Bianca. A younger me, sobbing as I regretted it. Zoe, Silena, Beckendorf, Bob, Damsen, and everyone else who has died for me.

Then, I passed out.

Hermione's POV
Throughout all the chaos and shouting I managed to yell, "Expecto Patronum!" A bright otter sprouted from the top of my wand.

The dementors quickly scattered away and eventually the train started moving again.

I quickly rushed over to my bag and grabbed some chocolate. I walked over to Ginny who was shaking Harry. "Harry!! Harry, wake up!" She was saying.

Suddenly, he shot upwards. His eyes looked like he had seen his worst moments. I handed him some chocolate to which he mumbled a thanks and I went to help our new friends.

Leo and Piper were tending to Nico. Jason to Percy. Thalia to Annabeth.
Nico was the first to wake up, then Annabeth, and then Percy.

They all looked shaken and they huddled together. Not wanting to say anything, I handed them the chocolate.

They reluctantly nibbled on it. All seemed to be deep in thought. Though I did hear Percy mutter something about blue cookies tasting better.

We stayed like that until I glanced at the window and smiled.

My favorite place in the world was right outside the window.

Nothing to say much. Hope you enjoyed it though!


If you dare...

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