Chapter 17 - SEVY and dead plants.

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(Snape is Alive but Dumbledore, Remus, Tonks, and Sirius are not)

Annabeth's POV
After the fiasco with Malfoy, the golden trio led us to Potions.

As we were walking there, Harry kept scowling at us, Ron tried to avoid eye contact, while Hermione awkwardly tried to make small talk.

Harry and Ron didn't seem to trust us that much.

"Sooo." I attempted. "What's this potions professor like?"

Hermione's eyes lit up with excitement and she explained, "Oh! Well, he favors the Slytherins over any house because he is the head of the house. He especially hates the Gryffindors. He'll take away house points at any chance he gets."

I nodded. Great. The teacher was a hypocritical moron. Gods I'm started to sound like Percy.

I walked into the dungeons classroom to see a VERY familiar face staring back at me. Oh gods.

Percy's POV
I froze. What? How in the world was he here? Nico on the other hand smiled, (which was kind of creepy in a way) and starting running to the teacher.

"SEVYYYYY!" He shrieked and frolicked over to the greasy haired man. He had a smile plastered on his face.

Then did something that I never would have guessed. Nico. The Nico Di Angelo hugged him.

Wow. Never thought that the day would come when Nico will willingly hugged someone.

I unfroze and joined my cousin.

"SEVYYYYY!" I screamed. I wrapped my arms around him and he chuckled.
Annabeth and Thalia had their mouths open. Jason, Piper, Leo, stood there with confused frowns on their faces.

I should probably explain now. You see, Severus was a sword instructor at camp for a bit but was supposedly killed in the Titan war. He's a son of Hecate by the way.

But, apparently, he's not. How is he even here? Why didn't he tell us? Does he know how much grief it caused us?

I pulled away and punched him straight across the face.

My eyes burned with rage. Nico looked taken aback but stepped away.

"How could you?" I yelled. "Do you know how long you were gone for? We thought you were dead!"

Severus leaned his head downwards, "I deserved that. But let me explain," He hurriedly added as I lifted my fist to punch him again.

"I faked my death because my mom wanted me to come here and teach. Though I prefer sword teaching." He explained.

I pinched the bridge of my nose.
Then pulled him into a hug again.

"I missed you." I smiled.

Annabeth and Thalia came up to Sevy and gave him a huge hug.

I turned back around only to see the class looking at us weirdly. Hmm.


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