Chapter 18 - Red Sparks are Shot

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Annabeth's POV
Once we got kicked out of Herblogy, we split up and decided to explore the castle grounds.

I was all in for it because I haven't gotten a chance to see the whole castle.

Percy, Thalia, Nico, and I approached the supposedly forbidden forest.

And then we did something stupid. We walked straight into it like it wasn't off limits.

I know I know, very dumb of me to let them do this but they were pestering me so I had no choice.

We walked around the shadows aimlessly for about 10 minutes, just talking about random stuff.

I looked above us and saw that it was getting dark. I guess we missed History of Magic as well. What a great first impression.

However I did hear that it was boring so I guess it's okay.

Oh no. What is happening to me? Why am I getting these thoughts?

I've seriously been hanging around Percy too much.

But I love him so that's never gonna change. ❤️

Anyways, everything was normal until Thalia said, "Look!" And pointed towards the sky.

I tilted my head upwards to see red sparks flying through the deep night sky.

That meant that someone was in trouble!
I mean, why else shoot red sparks into the air? It's the most logical conclusion.

But knowing Percy he would shoot blue sparks.

"What is that?" Percy asked.

"I think someone needs help." I answered.
"We should try and follow the sparks."

We all agreed and raced after the bright lights.

It seemed easy enough at first but, every now and then it seemed like whoever was shooting them was running away from something.

It took us what I think is about half an hour before we found the source of the red lights.

"There." Nico pointed.

I followed his fingertip to a group of huge dense trees.

"The person is behind those trees. I can feel it." He explained.

Percy cut through the layers of leaves with Riptide without hesitation.

I also pulled out my new dagger while Thalia pulled out her bow and Nico whipped out his Stygion Iron sword.

I halted to a stop when my vision could process what was in front of me.

It was a giant.

Hello peoples! Guess what? We hit 1k!!!!!
I know it's not a lot but it is for me so thank you alllll!
Sorry it's a bit short. I'll try and make them longer.
Don't forget to vote and tell me what you think!

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