Chapter 21 - A weird dream. Don't worry I'm used to it.

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Harry's POV
I was walking in a narrow passage way towards what I wasn't sure.

I continued to steadily walk forward, anxious as to what I might find.

A small bright light began to shine and I followed it.

It led me to a circular like chamber where 2 hooded people sat across from each other at a rectangular table.

One of them took off their cloak and I nearly choked when I looked upon him.

It was the wizard I had grown up to fear. But not anymore.

He spoke, "I see that the explosion and charm speak isn't enough to make you slumber again."

The other person removed the hood from her head.

"I could say the same about you with those 3 teenagers." She replied.

He scowled at the comment.

"Anyways," He continued. "When is the Titan joining?"

The woman paused. "He has to make a few stops on the way here."

They were silent for a while before the strange woman spoke again.

"I see we have a visitor." She motioned towards me.

"Two actually." The man corrected.

I turned around to only catch a glimpse of someone escaping to the hallway I had come through.

"Hey!" I tried to tell but couldn't.

I ran after the figure in the dark path. I kept running forward trying to scream when I felt an earthquake.

I flashed my eyes open to see Ron and Seamus shaking me.

"Bloody Hell." Ron muttered. "You are a deep sleeper."

I reached over to my nightstand for my glasses and instantly everything cleared up.

"Now come on Harry, breakfast starts in 10 minutes." Seamus informed.

Harry jumped out of bed and hurriedly got ready.

He descended the stairs and into the common room where Hermione and Ron already stood, waiting for him.

"There you are!" Hermione scolded. "Let's go! Or we are gonna be late!"

She pulled us to the Great Hall and to the Gryffindor table.

The seven exchange students were already there.

They seemed to be talking about something important by their expressions.

I decided to listen in.

"And then poof! There was a figure in front of me and they walked down the hall so naturally I followed." Percy was saying.

"Then what?" Leo asked.

"I'm getting there." He said eyeing me. "But maybe this will have to wait."

We held eye contact for about a few seconds before I turned away to my friends.

"Guys I have something to tell you all." I said.

"And me?" Ginny asked.

"Yes. Just keep it a secret." I agreed.

"No problem." She replied. "Now continue."

I told them about my dream and what Percy had said.

"So you think that the figure you saw was Percy?" Hermione concluded. "And is he really back? Along with a random woman?"

I nodded. "And they were talking about a third party joining them."

"I don't know, maybe it was an Alien from Planet Zen." Ron joked.

All eyes traveled to him and he turned bright red.

"I mean, of course! But we'll need to investigate some more. We could confront them later at lunch maybe." Ron covered up.

I sighed. I know something was of about them. I still wasn't sure whether I should trust them or not. They seemed like nice people but these secrets were forming doubts.  Whatever it was I would figure it out and wouldn't rest until I did.

Annabeth's POV
We were at breakfast when Percy became really serious and said, "I need to tell you all something."

This caught my attention and the others too so we huddled together in a tight circle.

"Okay so I had a dream where I was in a dark hallway. Then I saw a figure ahead of me so I followed it." Percy started to explain.

His eyes traveled to Harry who was evidently eavesdropping on our conversation.

"You know what this will have to wait." Percy decided, still making eye contact with Harry who had turned away to his friends.

We ate in silence after that but not for long as we all got our time tables for the day. In Greek of course.

9 am - Breakfast
9:30 am - Charms
11 am - Free period
12 pm - LUNCH
1 pm - DADA
2 pm - Divination
3:30 pm - Greek Mythology
4:30 pm - Physical Combat
5:30 - End of classes
6:30 - Dinner

This time we better not get kicked out of any classes. We learned our lesson on that from Herblogy yesterday.

I shuddered at the thought and then smacked Percy upside the head.

"Stop drowning your pancakes!" I chided.

He only smiled. "Hey can you blame me? Plus, I don't drown. So neither can my pancakes."

I laughed at the memory on the Argo ll and he joined me.

He wrapped his arms around me and pecked me softly.

"Race ya to the first class!!" He yelled and sprinted towards the doors.

A spilt second layer he came running back and said, "I gotta finish my blue pancakes first. I mean it would be a waste of good food."

I burst out laughing and said, "You are impossible Seaweed Brain."

He grinned. "So I'm told."

Hello peoples! Nothing to say really.
Comment who should be the DADA teacher cause I'm not sure and I need ideas.
Peace out! ✌🏼

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