Chapter 16 - The Gelled Weasel gets what he kind of Deserves

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Jason's POV
After Transfiguration, all of us walked into the Gryffindor Common Room for our study period.

Harry, Ron, and Hermione were all in the corner whispering about no doubt, us.
While us demigods just chilled on the couches.

We were talking about random stuff really. Annabeth was doing the essay from McGonagall and trying to get Percy to do it as well. It wasn't going that great.

Thalia and Nico were arguing about whose parent was better.
Leo was building something.
Piper and I were just chilling on the couch.

Our relaxation was cut short when we heard this —
"NO!" Thalia screamed. "My dads powers are better!"

"At least my dad actually does something for this world!" Nico insulted.

"Guys guys! Come on! We all know that my dad is the coolest!" Percy joined in.

They went on like that for what seemed like hours until finally, I couldn't stand it.

All three heads turned to me.

"NOOO WAY!" Nico teased. "YOUR DAD SUCKS!"

"YEAH!" Percy agreed. "HE LITERALLY HATES ME!"

"Well. That took a turn." Thalia states.

"Thank you captain obvious!" Percy rolls his eyes.

Thalia gave Percy a bone chilling glare with which Percy returned.

And then we all started arguing at once.

Annabeth's POV
Oh my gods! They can not shut up! Literally who cares about which parent is better?

We all know it's Athena. It would be wise to agree.

I snicker at my own pun.
Then realize how stupid I'm being.

I have been spending way too much time with Leo.
(Leo comes out of no where. "HEY! I'm very good company!)

"Come on guys we are gonna be late to lunch!" I scold.

Percy's eyes widen. "Food!" He shrieks.

Thalia chuckles at his outburst.
I dragged my friends out of the common room and to the great hall.

Harry's POV
As we walked to lunch, my mind couldn't help but wonder why the exchange students were fighting over whose parent was the strongest.

It didn't really make sense.
I mean, the way they talk about them it makes it sound like their dads are gods.

That would be ridiculous.

Anyways, the exchange students were all eating lunch happily when I noticed a familiar gelled back blond approaching. A smirk formed on my face.

This was going to be interesting.

Nico's POV
I was eating some mashed potatoes when a random Slytherin comes marching towards us like he owns the place.

I recall him as the same guy who hit on Thalia when we were exiting the train.

This is going to be funnnnn.

I watched as he scanned Pinecone Face up and down like she was a new Mercedes on display.

Thalia also seemed to notice because she narrowed her eyes.

He smirked and said, "Hey Gurl. A pretty lady like you shouldn't be dating a goth like him." He pointed to me.

No way in Hades.
This weasel thought we were dating?!
This is outrageous....

But still kind of funny. So I just pretended like I didn't hear that and continued to watch the show.

"How about no?" Thalia shot back.

"Oh come on sugar. We all know that you are dying to run into these arms." Weasel tried to flex his nonexistent muscles.

Thalia's face was red with anger.

Not long until the weasel gets a face full of her fist. Or someone's fist.

I snickered at the thought. Unfortunately, gelly (Do you get it?) noticed.

"Snickering eh?" He questioned. "Well. I hope you're ready for heartbreak because I'm stealing your girl!"

Okay. That was enough.
No one makes my friends uncomfortable.
We all know that Thalia's a hunter and so she will never date someone.

We also know that I have a boyfriend.

Plus, who in their right mind would think that Thalia and I were together.

I decided that I had to take action.
So I did the natural thing.

I simply got up and punched him straight across the face.

Then I sat back down and continued to eat my mashed potatoes like nothing happened.

Annabeth and Piper were smirking. Percy, Jason, and Leo were all giving me a thumbs up. While Thalia looked at me in surprise.

She shook it off and joined me back at the table.

The trio were laughing their heads off and I smiled.

At least people got a laugh out of my stupid actions.

The gelled weasel was looking like a tomato.

"Wait until my father hears about this!" He threatens, rubbing at his now purple jaw.

I couldn't help it. I burst out laughing.

"And by the way," Percy yelled after him. "Our fathers our way more powerful than yours!"

By this point, everyone at the Gryffindor table was laughing to some degree.
I may hate Thalia sometimes. But nobody messes with my friends.

Heyyyyyy Demiwizards! Thanks so much for reading!

Shoutout to pauchok_07 for getting the answer to the question right in my last chapter!

Question of the chapter - What is Ron's middle name?
First person to answer correctly gets a shoutout in the next chapter!


If you dare...

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