Chapter 1

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3rd person POV:

Harry, Edward, and Marcel all just got off work; Harry was a singer, Edward was a CEO, and Marcel was a writer/model.They were looking for a place to eat dinner; since they wanted to go out to eat, and that's When they heard an omega crying.The smell of the omega was strong; they realize it was coming from an alleyway, so they go up to the omega but he just backs away scared the three alphas might hurt him.
"Hey it's okay we're not gonna hurt you; what's your name?" Harry spoke softly to the omega.
" I'm l-Louis.Some alphas h-hurt m-me"
"Hi Louis I am Marcel may I ask you what these alphas did?"
"They touch me when I didn't want to be touched by them.I told them no, but they didn't listen"
"Louis would you like to come to our home?So we can get you cleaned up"
"Yes please, but are you sure your mates won't mind" Louis asked them
"Oh umm well Louis we're not mated actually; we're together, but we're still looking for an omega" Edward finally speaks up.
"Oh okay,so it's no problem if I come with you?"
"No problem at all."

The three alphas and Louis go back to the alphas house.When they arrived Louis was in shock because the house is so big; it was like a mansion.Louis had his mouth wide open just staring at the house. "Close your mouth baby boy; don't want you to catch flies" Edward tells him smiling at the thought of Louis.Louis didn't know he had just met his true mates. Of course the alphas could sense it by there inner wolf saying "MATE" squealing in excitement . But because Louis is scared his wolf was in hiding right now, but Louis would soon find out enough that they were his mates.

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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