Chapter 11

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3rd person POV:

Two days later everyone was rushing around the house. They were trying to make sure they had everything pack and ready to go. Louis was an dismantle in distress, for the fact that he wanted to make sure everything was perfect. Liam, Niall, and Zayn were all joining them in their vacation to Bora-Bora. The sets of mates were happy to be getting a break. Louis and Niall planned on getting drunk, going to the spa, and going swimming. The other five alphas planned on going swimming too, watching the two omega's get drunk and keeping them out of trouble, and just spending time with their mates. So here they are after almost a whole day of flying out from the UK to Bora-Bora. They get all their luggage and head of in the direction of their hotel. They check into the hotel and Harry,Marcel,Edward, and Louis all go into their hotel room while Niall,Zayn, and Liam go into their hotel room. Since it's already evening when they landed they decided to unpack and just head off to bed for they day. All they can say is that they can't wait for tomorrow to start.

(A.N.- Hi everyone I'm having a hard time writing right now. So I'm just going to leave this chapter on a cliffhanger until I can come up with some more things to write. I apologize I've just been under a lot of stress. However today in America it's black out Tuesday, and I would just like to say that I'm saddened that this is what America has come to. Especially since I'm apart of of the LGBTQ+ community and half Hispanic. So I just want to tell everyone that no matter what color or culture you have/are I am here for you and I support you. #blacklivesmatter )

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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