Chapter 18

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3rd person POV:
(May be triggering: self harm)
~~~2 weeks later~~~

Everything is going crazy. Everyone is either fighting or ignoring each other. It makes sense; could you imagine being in the same place with the same people for weeks, and not being able to go anywhere? Anyway it all started when Harry and Edward started to be childish and mess/annoy each other. Then Marcel yelled at them to stop; which led to Harry and Edward to ignore Marcel. After that Zayn and Liam got into an argument about weather or not they should have even come with the triplets and Louis. So here we are back to the present time where what can be considered the biggest fight of them all. "You know what Louis no one would be fighting and arguing if it wasn't for you. The whole reason we're here stuck in this house is because you couldn't go back to mommy and daddy; because you can't suck it up and deal with the fact that you come from a f*cked up family." Niall screams at Louis. "F*ck you Niall. You know what it was your choice to come here with us, so you know what leave if you want I don't care anymore; I don't care about any of this anymore." Louis says running up the stairs to the bathroom and locking it. Louis slides down the bathroom door crying his eyes out. Louis never thought he'd feel like this again. The feeling that makes you feel worthless, unlovable, the cause of everyone's problems. Louis feels as if he were to just leave this earth than everyone could finally be happy; even though that's not true. Louis opens up the bathroom cabinet and grabs a razor; he breaks the blade off, and soon starts to cut his wrist, thighs,etcetera. Louis didn't want to come to this, but he feels as if he has no other choice. He just wants the pain to go away; not the physical pain no he want the emotional and mental pain to go away. Louis had been almost five months clean from cutting; scares almost gone from the past just to be opened again. With the dark velvet ooze trickling down his slightly tan arm's. Louis accidentally cut to deep, and way to close to a vain on his left arm. He soon starts to lose to much blood; which causes him to go into a daze. Louis is almost completely passed out on the floor; when the triplets find him. After Louis ran away from the argument the triplets thought it would be best to give Louis some time to blow off some steam. But then they smelt Louis scent it was strong; to strong. They knew something was now wrong, so the ran all over the house looking for Louis. The triplets finally realized the smell was the strongest from the bathroom. Edward tried to open it but it was locked, so he kicked the door down. As soon as Edward saw his mate, his omega, his love he rushed over immediately. Harry and Marcel soon came in and cry at the sight of their omega. "Harry grab bandages, Marcel grab rubbing alcohol and peroxide." Edward yells. "Hey Louis, baby? Can you hear me? Wake up." Edward says as Marcel cleans Louis wrist and Harry bandages them. "I'm here alpha. Need water." "Harry go grab water" Edward says right after. "I'm sorry" Louis whimpers. "Hey it not your fault. We're not mad; just wish you came to us instead of doing this" Marcel reassures Louis. "Here you go baby boy" Harry passes the water bottle. "Thank you." "Go to sleep. We'll talk about this tomorrow." Edward says laying Louis down on their bed. "I can't help but think this is my fault" Niall whispers. "It's know one's fault we all said some rude things to each other this week, but Louis is just more sensitive especially when it  comes to his family." Marcel clarifies. "But from now on we got to keep a better eye on Louis, and asking him how he's feeling." Harry says. "I can't imagine loosing Louis. He's the whole reason why I want to live" Edward say shaking trying not to cry again. That night none of the triplets could sleep; they could only wait to see the outcome of the next day.

(A.n- I know this chapter may have been triggering for some people. I myself deal with anxiety, and what not so if you ever need to talk to somebody you can always DM me through private message on here; if you want to talk. I just want you all to know that if you ever just need to talk to somebody I'm here, and this is a safe please. I hope you all are doing well through Covid and everything,so good luck)

P.s~ comment if you have any ideas you think I may like to add to this story, and if I like any I'll tag you in that chapter.

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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