Chapter 17

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3rd person POV:

The next day everyone wakes up to see that breakfast was already being prepared for everyone. "Eddy why are you up so early?" Louis asks. "Never went to sleep" he replies. "But alpha you need sleep. What could be more important than sleep?" Louis argued. "Making sure my mates are safe" "aww eddy we are always safe with you; go sleep" Louis coo's because he thinks that Edward is so cute when wanting to make sure his family is okay. "Not now baby boy. I'll sleep once we get to the bunker." "Okay eddy"

~~~~1 hour later~~~~
POV change: 1st person~ Louis

Our flight just landed after nine and a half hours. It was around 8:30 A.M. right now, and we were all getting are luggage when a crowd of people surrounded all of us. We didn't expect people to be here; even if the triplets are famous. We are able to sneak out of a back entrance of the airport and get a taxi to take us to our location we are staying at. Now your probably wondering, how a taxi can drive us to a bunker? Well you see the bunker is underneath a giant house that one of the triplets friends owns. Right now their friend is on tour, so they're letting us use their house; also it's their vacation home so they only come here for special occasions. We're going to be staying in the bunker; which is quite big by the way, and we'll come up to the rest of the house only to eat and use the bathroom. It kind off sucks that we won't have much privacy since the triplets and I are sharing the bunker with Niall, Liam, and Zayn. But hey at least we don't all have to share a bed together. The triplets and I decided to unpack tomorrow, and to just take a nap until lunch time. So here we are all snuggled up; underneath a bunch of blankets. "Alphas?" I whisper "yes pup?" Marcy replied. "Will we ever have pups? Like do you guy want to have kids?" I ask. I'm scared about what they're going to say because we've never discussed the topic. "Yes we will have pups. As many as you want. Quite frankly I wish you were already pregnant. I liked to be able to talk to your stomach, and protect all you." Harry joins in on the topic. "Aww hazza that's cute, but I'm not getting pregnant yet. Also Alphas I want six pups just not all at the same time." "That's okay with us. We would care if you wanted 20+ pups we would love them all the same." I swear eddy has just been saying the cutest sh*t lately. "I love you alphas. Goodnight." "We love you to. Goodnight baby boy." And from there we all went to sleep.

***A.n- hi I know this chapter isn't really that long, but I just woke up. So I'm half asleep and barely know what I'm typing.

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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