Chapter 9

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3rd person POV:

It was the next day and all the alphas could think about was what happened yesterday. Why was Louis so upset? What did he mean by dirt? Who was Lottie? Were just some of the questions going through their heads. So as Harry is making breakfast with Edward drinking his morning cup of tea with Marcel. Louis comes down the stairs bags under his eyes, and nose and cheeks puffy with a hint of pink to them. All the alphas go up to him. "Louis what was yesterday's events all about?" Marcel asked Louis softly scared he may trigger the small omega. "Come sit down and I'll explain everything" Louis says walking his way slowly to the couch. "So the lady that was here was my step mum, and the reason she was asking for me to come back home was because I know my dad's secret. My dad has and always be abusive and an alcoholic, yet most people believe he's a businessman but he's not. He picks up omegas in need makes them feel safe, and then makes them sell their bodies;they then they split the money after.  I know this because my sister had to do it, so we could get some extra money. However an alpha killed her in the process. Ever since my dad just abused me; since he couldn't go after her anymore. Like I said yesterday I was in that ally way because of him and I got into a fight on the way home, and told me to walk home instead, but umm you guys know what happened umm after that. And here we are now." Louis starts balling his eyes out after being done with telling his three alphas what happened. "Shhh it's okay baby boy. We got you; you're safe now." They whisper trying to calm him down. Edward picks Louis up carefully,and starts to go up the stairs to lay Louis down. That way he can sleep. So all four of them are now in bed,and have completely forgotten about ever eating breakfast.

1st person POV: Louis

I wake up after our nap; however I don't feel like I normally would. I feel fuzzy. Oh no, I'm in between little space and big Louis. So I reach for Harry to try and wake him up. I shake him a couple times,but it doesn't work. "D-daddy please wake u-up" I've never been almost in little space before. "D-daddy?" I whisper in eddy's ear. "Yes baby boy. What's wrong?" "I'm in between little space daddy." And that when Edward shoots up out of bed, and places me on his lap. "Hey it's okay. Daddy's got you. Do you need to slip baby boy." "Yes please" "okay, let me just get you a pacifier and a nappy" "okay daddy." (A.n.-I'm not even British and I'm saying nappy; like I almost called a pacifier a dummy. I've been reading to many one direction books)

1st person POV:Edward

I'm so glad we have this just in case this was ever to happen. I believe it's from all the stress of the last two days is why it's happening. But omg he called me daddy, and not to sound like a fan girl but I wonder why out of all three of us he choose me to be called that. Not that I mind. It probably means Louis will come up with names for Harry and Marcel too. I just hope Lou doesn't stay in little space to long. I don't want him to get stuck in it; wait how am I going to tell the boys this when they wake up? Idk but I get Louis a pacifier and a nappy, and make my way back towards my baby boy.

(A.N.- though I would be nice and spice thing up, and write longer than I normally would)

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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