Chapter 27

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3rd person POV:
~2 months later~
Louis is 12 weeks pregnant-
Trigger warning-(mention of miscarriage)

It's been three months since the triplets and Louis have found out that they were going to have four little babies. It was the middle of the night when Louis started getting this sharp pain in his stomach. "Alphas?" Louis whimpers in pain. "What's wrong Louis?" Edward asks. "Something is wrong with the babies." "Harry, Marcel we need to go to the hospital" Edward shouts.  Louis takes the covers off, and the only thing the triplets and him see is blood. Harry immediately scoops Louis into his arms bridal style, and rushes down the stairs to the car; Edward and Marcel quickly following behind them. After about 15 minutes the triplets and Louis arrived at the hospital. They quickly rush in, and asked for a doctor. "Okay sir, I need to know what's happening so I can help him" one of the nurses asked Edward. "He woke up in the middle of the night saying he had sharp pains in his stomach, and when we took the covers off there was blood. He is currently pregnant with four of our children." Edward rushes out. "Okay how far along is he?" "He's about 12 weeks along" Marcel cuts into the conversation. "Okay we will do our best to possibly save Louis and the babies." The nurse walks away to give the doctors more information on what is going on. Edward and Marcel look over to see Harry pacing back-and-forth in the hospital hallway. "Harry, calm down everything will be okay; nothings gonna happen to Louis or the babies." Marcel says grabbing Harry's shoulders to get him to stop pacing back-and-forth. "I know I just I can't lose them Louis is my world and it would be be heartbreaking to lose our children. I don't know if I would ever be able to recover if something bad was to happen to them." Harry says sobbing into Marcel shoulder. Marcel looks over at Edward to see him sitting down; just staring off into space. Marcel thinks Edward is feeling num; he knows how much Louis means to him. All of them for that matter. Marcel knows that Harry and Edward would be completely heartbroken if they ever lost Louis and the babies including himself.

(A.n- Hi everyone I know it's been a while since I updated, but I was trying to figure out what I was trying to do for this chapter. I did plan on making this chapter longer however I thought it be better to just continue this chapter into another chapter. Hope everyone's having a good day, and TPWK

Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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