Chapter 23

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3rd person POV:

After a few weeks the triplets and Louis were able to go back to their house; however since their house got destroyed before them coming to America they had to buy a new one. Right now they are meeting up with the real estate agent, so they can look at new houses. At the moment they're staying with Liam Niall, and Zayn in their apartment until they can get a house.

1st person POV: Louis

I'm so excited I can't wait to get a new house, and leave all the old bad memories behind that I had shortly in the house that got destroyed. I just can't wait to just have a fresh start; like I don't have to worry about my dad or my family, and instead of living in Manchester we're going to be moving to Doncaster where I was originally born. "Okay so her is the kitchen. It had espresso colored wood, a grey marbled counter top, a walk in pantry, etc." The real estate agent named Victoria smiles at us after finishing her sentence. I'm not really sure if I want to get this house. I mean I like it; the bathrooms are nice there's a shower and a bathtub in the master bedroom, there's five guest bedrooms, two kids bedrooms, one game room, the master bedroom, and then there's a pool outside. I just don't appreciate the fact that the real estate agent Victoria or flirting with my Hazzabear. As she walks us over to the living room I see her put her hand on Harry's shoulder. "Umm could you please take your hand of his shoulder?" I ask in a jealous tone. "Now why would I do that?" She asks smugly. "Because he is one third of my mates" I sassed back at her. "Oh please you; with all three of them doubtful." Edward soon cuts in to the conversation "I would appreciate it if you didn't talk to our omega like that, and we'll take the house." "Okay water sign these papers and the house is yours, and good luck with that loser of an omega." Okay that it someone's getting a b*tch fight. I go up to her and slap her. "That for flirting with my mates, and for calling me a loser." I walk out of the house and go stand by our car. About fifteen minutes later the triplets walk out, and say we can move in to the house in a few days. "Okay whatever" I replied. "What wrong with you? You have a attitude, and you slapped her." Marcel says. "Yes I have an attitude because I'm pissed off, and yes I slapped her because she was being a b*tch." "Why are you pissed off?" Harry now asks. "Because when I wake up I'm afraid somebody else might take my place." I tear up. They immediately rush to give me a hug. "We aren't ever going to let that happen. Because we love you to much to let you go. No matter how selfish that sounds." Edward says.

(A.n-sorry it's been so long since I last updated being an eighth grader is hard; like I'm doing online school and I'm ahead of everybody else who's actually going to school, so like I'm doing school from like seven in the morning till like five in the afternoon just so I don't have to deal with homework at night and what not, and they put me on block schedule like I wasn't supposed to do that until high school.So now I have to sit in a class on zoom for two hours. So that's why I haven't been updating, and because of the fact that I've been on Draco Tic Tok the last month and now I'm kind of like obsessed like I was when I was a kid with Harry Potter again; anyways hope y'all have a good day, bye.

Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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