Chapter 20

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3rd person POV:
(May be triggering: talks about self harm)

After everyone was done eating breakfast; they all decided to sit on the couches to talk.
"First off I want to say I'm really sorry Lou, and that this isn't your fault. I was just being a b*tch." Niall says trying not to cry. "It's okay NiNi." Louis whispers as a response. "Louis is it okay of me asking when you started cutting?" Harry asks. "Umm yeah. I started when I was about twelve; that's when I couldn't handle the pressure and everything going on in my life." Louis continues to whisper his responses. "When did you last cut other than what recently happened?" Marcel pipes up. "I stopped when I had moved in with Niall, but even then I was close to having a relapse. It wasn't until I met you three alphas that I actually felt safe, protected, and loved. But of course me being a f*ck up ruined everything, and I understand if you want to un-mate me. I'm just a messed up omega; with a bunch of baggage and flaws." Louis says tears now streaming down his face; looking like he's about to cry a whole water fountain. "I rather have someone like you who has so much baggage and flaws, yet still manages to be the most beautiful omega I have ever seen. Rather than an omega that doesn't have baggage and flaws, and has ugly personality." Edward says to the crying omega. Louis still crying curls up into a ball. Saying things under his breath like 'not true.' So Niall scoops Louis up, and holds him. Rocking him to sleep, for the next fifteen minutes

(A.n- hey everyone, sorry this chapter is short. I have been busy lately, and have been having a hard time trying to find time to write. So for the next few weeks if chapters are a little shorter than usual; it's probably because I'm busy with school starting back up in a week.)

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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