Chapter 13

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1st person POV: Louis

We have arrived at what looks to be a club, and I can already tell this will end badly. We walk into the club and head to the bar; I ask for 6 shots. That way me and Niall can split them. I wish my mates would be getting drunk with me tonight, but they said and I quote "no we have watch out for you." I feel like they don't trust me while being drunk. Anyway me and Niall down the shots, and head to the dance floor everyone Niall mates joined him while dancing, but mine are just watching me from a distance. So to make them jealous I start to dance on someone next to me. I think they're a beta or alpha I don't care right now. So we started dancing and the alcohol is now in my system. Let's just say omega's don't do well with alcohol; we're like a lightweight when it comes to it. Everything is becomes a little bit blurry, and I hear the person I'm dancing with try and pull me towards the direction of the bathroom. Thankfully Edward senses my fear, and grabs from the alphas grip. "Hey dude find your own omega" the alphas slurs towards Edward. "Um how do I put this for you. This right hear is my mate, so can you like f-off." Edward says slowly. "Whatever he's just a slut any ways", so then Edward may have punched him for that repeatedly until Harry and Marcel pulled him off. Oh yeah we also got kicked out. I think we're in the car now Marcel is driving since he's the only one that can keep calm right now. "I swear to god we are never going drinking you hear me Louis?" "Yes alpha, I'm sorry" oh god they don't know I'm the kind of drunk who just cries over the tiniest things, so now hear I am balling my eyes out. "Hey baby boy come hear come to hazza" "yes alpha" I say sitting in Harry's lap. "Why are you crying?" "Louis scared he would l-lose you." "Hey it's okay you're not going to lose any of us. We're almost to the hotel; you're slipping into headspace a little, so we'll get you in bed as soon as we can." "Okay."

1st person POV: Niall

Those bitches left us here with no car. You got to be fucking kidding me, so now we have to take a taxi back home. Can't wait until I get my hands on those fools. Like how do you forget your friends. "Babe calm down. I can hear how much your mind is racing." Liam says. "Also no more cuss words for tonight verbally or mentally." "Fine" I sigh.

3rd person POV:

Both sets of mates made it back to the hotel. Niall went to bed mad, Liam and Zayn went to bed praying for whatever Niall would do tomorrow wouldn't happen, and Louis and the triplets were all cuddled up hoping Louis hangover wouldn't be to bad.

(A.N- sorry for not updating sooner. I been stressed because I have to see my doctor because my mom wants to see if medicines will help me with my anxiety/depression. To be honest writing on here is sort of my way escaping my life.)

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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