Chapter 24

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(Time skip: 3 months later)
1st person POV: Louis

The last week or so I have been vomiting nonstop. The triplets think it's just food poisoning or something, but I don't think it is. So here I am taking a pregnancy test. I'm nervous since the triplets and I haven't talked about having kids a lot. I realize the timer on my phone is going off. Well here goes nothing.
Positive. Oh god. I'm pregnant. Well sh*t what am I going to do? Call Niall that what I'm going to f*cking do.

Louis: hey Niall can we meet up at the mall?
Niall: yeah, I'll see you in about 15 minutes
Louis: okay bye, see you then
~call ends~

I arrived at the mall and see Niall waiting outside for me. I walk up to him; trying not to let the water works out. "Lou what wrong?" Niall asked me immediately. "I'm pregnant, and I don't know how to tell the triplets." I cry.  "Wait really. I'm going to be an uncle?" He asks. I nod crying even more. "We'll have you told the triplets yet." "No, I'm scared to; since we haven't talked about having kids really." "Well I'm sure everything will be just fine, and if they don't want a kid then you can come live with me. And then we can Nouis days everyday." Niall states. "Wtf is a nouis?" "It's are names combined you oaf." "Oh okay that makes sense now" I giggle at the name. "Okay well let's go shopping since we're already at the mall." Niall says getting up. "Yeah maybe I can find something that would help me tell the triplets that I'm pregnant." I say as we walk into the mall.

(A.n- Hi everyone, sorry I haven't updated in a while. I've kind of been having writers block, and it's hard to find time to write after I get done with school. I am think of ending this story around chapter 30; since I can't figure out what else to write.)

Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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