Chapter 22

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3rd person POV:

"Are you cheating on us" Niall asked Zayn trying to hold back tears. "No. I would never do that." Zayn replied. "Then what are you keeping from us?" Liam chimed in. "I'm not really supposed to tell anyone, but I'll make an exception to you guys. I'm in a mafia a pretty important one too. My boss and I have been close since grade school, so he said I can be out of the mafia if I help with one more task." Zayn said. "What's the task?" Niall gritted out. "The task is to find Louis dads location, so my boss can him. Louis dad owes my boss a lot of money, and once I told him about him about what Louis dad did to Louis he wanted the man dead." "So you found Louis dads location and gave it to him?" "Yep, they're on their way over to the location as we speak ready to kill him." Zayn replied. "Does anyone else know about this?" Liam asked. "The triplets, I needed their consent since they're Louis alphas. I didn't tell you because of safety purposes, and because I was going into the mafia around the time we had just met." "You're lucky because if you were cheating you wouldn't have a d*ck right now. But I still love you." Niall replied to Zayn sassily. "I love you too" Zayn replied.

1st person POV: The mafia boss
(Unknown location~ somewhere in France)

I can't wait to get my hands on that son of a b*tch. He owes me so much money; he's going to wish he was already dead. I barge in to where Louis dad is, and I immediately see him. "Who are you?" Louis dad asks. "I'm your worst nightmare" I replied waking up to him. "Y-your Shawn Mendes" Louis dad choked out. "Ding, ding, ding. You are correct." I say. "Grab him boys tie him to chair" I tell my mafia members. They do as I say, and tie him to a chair. "What do you want with me?" Louis dad asks. "It's simple, I want you dead." "Why?" "You owe me a lot of money, and I heard what you did to Louis. I don't take that stuff lightly."
"You see the thing is I'm just a sucker for pain, and I'm not going to torture you because your not worth my time. Nope I'm just going to shoot you." "P-please n-no". BAM. There lays Louis dad dead tied to a chair. "Okay boys leave the body, wrap up. We're done here." I call out.
(On a call to Zayn:)
"Hey Zayn task is done; your free" "okay thank you so much Shawn" "anytime brother; see you soon." "Okay bye"
(Call ended)
1st person POV: Zayn
"Louis dad is dead. We are safe to leave in a few weeks to make sure no one else is trying to harm Louis." I say to everyone. "Oh thank god" everyone replies.

(A.n- Sorry it's been so long since I last updated with it being Labor Day weekend, and school I've been busy. But school is going really well; I love being at home doing school since there's no distractions, and I especially love English my teacher is amazing 10 out of 10. Just like my last year's English teacher I can't complain about that; I hope everyone's doing well, and I hope you all were shocked by who the mafia boss was.)

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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