Chapter 26

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3rd person POV:
~the next day~

The day Louis and the triplets go to a doctors appointment, so the can see if the pregnancy test was actually right. Right now they're waiting for the doctor to come in. The triplets had asked for no alpha doctors under any circumstances; let's just say they get jealous easily. "Hi I'm doctor Erin Smith, I will be helping you with your pregnancy Louis. I am guessing theses are your alphas?" "Yes, these are my alphas" Louis replied. "Okay so we are going to have you lay back, and take an ultra sound to see how far along you are." "Okay sounds good." Dr.Smith lies Louis back, and has him lift his shirt up. She put the cold gel on Louis stomach, and four little tiny bean looking things show up. "So it looks like you are most definitely pregnant, and about four maybe five weeks old. Congrats your alphas and you are having quadruplets. I'll print some pictures for you to take home, and some parenting pamphlet." Dr.Smith say walking out the door. "Now you are in trouble" Louis glared at the triplets. "How we're we supposed to know we would have four pups?" "Oh I don't know wrap that sh*t more often." Louis yells quietly. "You guys are lucky I love you, or you would be getting beat with my damn shoe by now." Dr.Smith knocks on the door, and walks in again handing us the sonogram pictures. "Thank you Dr.Smith" "No problem Louis see you in about seven to eight weeks." The ride home was pretty silent. Edward was driving, Harry was smiling like a child on Christmas morning in the passenger seat, and Marcel was snuggled up with Louis in the back. The triplets couldn't have asked for a better omega. Once they arrived home Louis was still asleep, so Marcel carried him upstairs and up to bed. When Marcel was done he saw Harry making lunch, and Edward watching tv. Marcel was so happy with his two brothers and mate, and soon to be his four little pups as well.

(A.n- midterms are over, and I have never been more disappointed in my life. I studied for nothing. Like I love school, but don't make it seem like we are going to fall the test when it's actually super easy. Anyway sorry for ranting, but I might do some more updates today. Also you guys may or may not hate me after the next chapter; since there is going to be a huge plot twist.)

Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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