Chapter 8

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(This music has nothing to do with the story. It's just iconic.)

3rd person POV:

The next day when all of them wake up when they hear a ring at the door. Harry opens the door to see a lady standing there. Louis, Marcel, and Edward come up behind Harry; to see who's at the door, yet when Louis sees who it is he gasps. "Mommy?" Louis asks more like a question. "Louis is that you dear" she replies. "Louis who is this? what's going on?" Edward asked confused from what just happened. "Boys this is my step mum, and I think it would be best if we all sat down and talked." So that's what they did. They headed to the living room, and all sat down. "So let's me just clear this up. Edward, Marcel, Harry this is my step mum. Mum these are my mates." 'Nice to meet you's are passed throughout the room between the four. "So mum why are you hear?" "Well Louis as you know your father wishes you home" "NO. I will not go 'home'. This is my home, and I will not go back to a place where I'm treated like dirt. Especially when I was able to leave that hell hole." The three triplets are confused. What did Louis mean by treated like dirt? "Lou what do you mean by treated like dirt?" Marcel asked. "Well you see my dad abused me, and let's not forget the night you saved me. I was in that ally in the first place because I pissed my dad off on the way home. He's an alcoholic and a cheater; isn't that right mum, and the only reason you haven't left is because you know if you leave you have no where to go." Louis says growling at her a little. "Louis you know I had no choice, but to stay." It's all excuses it all ways is when it comes to Louis step mum. "Doesn't justify the fact that you just sat there since I was eight and get beat by my own damn father, so you aren't any better than him." "Umm Ma'am I believe it would be best if you left, and you probably shouldn't come back" Edward say standing up. "I love you Louis and your sister just remember that." Louis mum started tearing up a little. "Goodbye Johannah. Oh and if you loved Lottie then she wouldn't be dead. So rot in hell." Louis shuts the door in her face, and starts crying sliding down the door. The three alphas rush over to Louis to comfort him. They'll ask him about it tomorrow; right now they just want to comfort their baby boy.

(Author note)- I'm back b*tches. I finally started figuring out a little of what I wanted to do with this book. Also Louis mum Johannah is a beautiful women, and a great person in real life. It's sad that she passed, so soon but I wish her peace. And her being mean in the book is completely fake, and only for the story. If you have read my book "thinking out loud" you can see I've been going through some stuff, but I figured it all out.And fun fact of the day me and Louis mum have the same name except I spell mine like Johanna with out the h. Still going by J though.

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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