Chapter 10

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1st person POV: Edward

I got Louis into a nappy and gave him a pacifier, and then I decided to take him down stairs to make a bottle. I want Louis to try and sleep more, so he can hopefully come out of little space. Little space is like a safe place omegas go to when they are overly stressed, yet it can be very dangerous if they don't come out of it. I warm the bottle up a little in the microwave, and give it to Louis. "Come on baby boy. Let's get you laid back down." "Okie dokie daddy." I smile at the way he said okie dokie. We reached up stairs and when we walk in we see Harry and Marcel awake now. "Dada, Bubba" (A.N-Harry is dada. Marcel is Bubba) Louis screams and runs over to Harry and Marcel. "Hi baby boy" Marcel says towards Louis. "Edward why is Louis in little space" Harry asks me looking confused as ever. "Well umm you see when Louis woke up he was feeling fuzzy, so he woke me up. I asked him if he wanted to slip and he said yes. I believe it's because of the stress from the last couple days." "Okay. So how do we get him back out of little space?" Marcel asked. "I was going to give him bottle and have him sleep out of it." "Okay well let's get laid down again I guess" Harry says with a sigh. I feel bad springing this on them. But Louis getting out of little space is our priority right now.

(Time skip 2 hour nap)
3rd person POV:

Louis, Edward, Harry, and Marcel all wake up about two hours later. And this time Louis isn't in little space. "What happened?" Louis asked confused from the last few hours ago event's. "Well Louis when you woke up earlier you were in little space, and we gave you a nappy and bottle to see if you could sleep it off." Marcel explains. "Wait I feel into little space?" "Yes you did baby boy" Harry replies back this time. "Umm by any chance did I call you guys outside of your regular names. If I did I'm sorry if they made you uncomfortable." Louis starts tearing up; scared the three alphas might leave him. "You did. However we okay with what you called us, and it's okay there's no reason to cry" Marcel says softly. "And besides I happened to like you calling me daddy, and I'm sure Harry likes being called dada just as much as Marcy like being called Bubba" Edward says picking Louis up. Louis starts blushing into Edwards shoulder. Embarrassed at what he was just told. "Look how about we all go on a vacation, so you can relax. I'll even see if Zayn, Liam, and Niall want to come." Harry says to Louis. "You guys would do that for me?" "Of course we would do anything for you baby boy. Now let's go eat dinner. Oh my god you must be starving; we slept through breakfast and lunch today." Marcel immediately rushes up to go make dinner. And all the rest of them can do is giggle and laugh at their worried mate.

(A.N- it's my last week of school, and I already want summer to be over. Yes I have no life outside of school; hell I barely have one in school. Anyway since summer is starting soon for me I'll be able to update more.)

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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