Chapter 19

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1st person POV: Louis
(May be triggering:talks about self harm)

I wake up with a headache, and in a room all alone. Flashbacks of yesterday race through my mind, and I realized that the triplets saw me. I start to panic; they won't want me anymore now that they've realized how broken I am. So I start to pack a bag of my stuff; when Edward comes into the room. "Hey why are you packing?" he asks me. "You guys don't want me anymore, so I'm leaving." I replied trying not to break down. "And why would you think we don't want you anymore?" "Because I'm broken" and now I'm sobbing. Edward wraps his arms around me and starts whispering sweet things in my ear; to calm me down. "Louis? Baby look at me" Edward tells me. "Yes" I ask. "Baby we're not getting rid of you. We love you;even your flaws. We'll get through this okay. Yesterday when I saw you I broke down because you're my world, and I can't imagine losing you. So how about we go get something to eat, and then we can all talk okay?" Edward tells me. "Okay" I reply standing up, so we can go the kitchen. We walk into the kitchen to see Harry cooking, and everyone else watching tv. "Hey Harry" I say going up to him. "Hi baby boy. Want to help me with breakfast?" He asks. "I would but my umm wrist to much" I whisper. "Hey look at me. You are one of the best things to happen to me, and I can't imagine you not in my life. We'll get through this. It'll take time, but my brother's and I would spend all the time in the world trying to make you happy." I begin to cry a little at what Harry just said. "He not wrong" Marcel says coming into the kitchen. "I love you all, so much. I'm sorry I relapsed; it had been almost five months without me self harming." I say to the now three alphas that have their arms wrapped around me. "It's okay sometimes we half to fall in order to pick are selves up again." Marcy whispers. "Let's eat breakfast then we can talk more." Harry tells everyone. So we all sit down to eat.

(A.n- sorry this chapter is short, and that I left it on a cliffhanger. It's been hard trying to write recently with school starting back up soon, and just being stressed. I hope everyone has a wonderful day, and tpwk.)

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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