Author note:

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So I was reading over this book from the first chapter to fit so I need grammatical errors that needed to be fixed, and I realize that in the beginning I said Louis mom died, and then I made a chapter about how she showed up at the triplets house. So basically I went back and re-wrote it to where Louis biological mom is dead and the lady who showed up at the triplets houses is Louis stepmom, so I didn't change the plot of the book or anything I just fix that mistake that I made because I forgot that I said that his biological mom actually died at the beginning. It also doesn't mention this in the book but Louis mom died when he was three due to leukemia and his stepmom came around when he was seven, and his step mom's name is Johannah ; which is his real mom's name in real life. However in the book his biological his mom's name is Sophia even though in real life his biological mom is Johannah. I'm sorry that was really confusing to try and writ. I tried to make it as easy as possible to understand.

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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