Chapter 15

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1st person POV: Marcel

I can't wait to go to the beach to day. Just me, my best friends, and my amazing mates. Most of you are thinking I'm going into the water; nope I'm taking a wonderful sun bathing nap. So here we are at the beach. Niall wanted ice cream, and decided to drag Liam and Zayn with him. And Harry, Edward, and Louis are splashing each other with water. We even brought stuff to build sand castles. Call me childish, but sand castles are amazing. What I didn't expect was for Edward to dump a bucket of water on me. "Hey. Really Eddy that wasn't nice" I screech. "Sorry babe, but I'm not going to just let you lay here all day. Two I wanted to spend time with my all of my mates." "Fine" "I love you too Marcel" "I love me too" I say. "Hey, now who's being mean" Edward pouts. "Okay okay. I'm sorry." I say while raising my hand in the air. We run off towards Louis and Harry. We all just stand there holding each other in all of our embraces. I wish life could just be like this forever. A few seconds later I feel Louis tenses in our arms and I can feel his fear.

***(There like talking through there mind in the italics section)
"Louis what's wrong?" Harry asks through our minds. "H-he's here. We need to leave now." Louis rushes through out our minds. "Who's here? Why do we need to leave?" Edward asks. "My f-father" Louis says almost to a whisper.

But it's to late Louis father is already approaching us. "What do you want?" Louis growls towards his dad. "You to come home." "Why, so you can just treat me like I'm your property again?" "Maybe" he smirks. "Yeah well not going to happen so get lost, and leave me and my mates alone. You've done enough damage to our family." "Very well, but just know that I warned you-" next thing you know Edward is pushing Louis dad down into the sand. "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?" Edward says. "It means that people aren't happy with Louis gone and they are willing to take him. Even if he's mated. So don't say that I didn't warn you, and just tried to get Louis back the easy way." As Louis dad gets up and walks away we realize that we all need to leave. Because if his dad knows where he is; other people probably do too. Well so much for a vacation. We see Niall making his way back with a half eaten ice cream; with Liam and Zayn. "Hey guys" Niall says. "Yeah umm hey we kind of have to go like by tomorrow night. All of us." I state. "Why?" The three friends question. "My dad and a bunch of people want to take me, and my dad knows we are here." Louis says with tears now  in his eyes. "Okay we'll book flights to leave tomorrow no big deal. It will be okay. I promise Louis we all got your back." Niall says reassuringly. "Thank you" Louis mumbles. We all pack up, and head to the hotel to pack and book our flights. God I hope nothing bad is going to happen I don't know what I would do if Louis was to ever get taken away from me or any of us for that matter. I just care a lot about him. He our baby boy and I just want to spend the rest of our life's with him, and our future pups.

(A.n.- hey everyone I thought I would write a somewhat long chapter today since I'm board. 13 more days until the 10 year anniversary of one direction. Harry's bedtime story on the app calm sounds immaculate. Also shout out to my friend Luaren who always finds a way to boost my self esteem, and just being there for me since we were little.)

***Xoxo: J🍒🍒🍒

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