New Learning

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Kumeron was absorbed by everything he saw at Fort Dawnguard.

He hadn't even entered the fortress yet for they only just reached the watchtower before his curiosity took over him. 

He had dismounted his horse and walked over to the watchtower and starred at it like a child who had never seen anything outside of their home before.

He couldn't even remember how he had gotten here. 

"MAGE!" A young voice shouted snapping Kumeron out of his daze. He looked over to see the hooded Dawnguard swiftly walked over to him. 

"Do I need to put a bag over your head?" the dawnguard asked.

"Sorry." Kumeron said trying to hold his excitement. "That won't be necessary." 

"Good and look behind you." The Dawnguard said. 

Kumeron turned around to see for other dawnguards pointing loaded crossbows at him.

"If you wander off." The hooded dawnguard said. "They, along with anyone else who sees you will most likely kill you on the spot." 

Kumeron made a audible gulp which made the dawnguards all burst out laughing. 

"I'm joking." The hooded one said trying to contain his laughter. "But seriously, do try not to wander because you might actually get killed." 

"Of course." Kumeron said as he went back and mounted his horse as the three started to move.

Kumeron was silent as he looked around at the odd courses that were set up. He saw a orc instructing children to run the course. If they fell off he had them run again, if the succeed he would have them run it again but faster. 

As they pushed on Kumeron saw more dawnguard novices as they practice a variety of different skills. He saw a child on a, in his opinion, a rather perilous course consisting of pillars that the child stood on and a swinging pendulum that the child swung at with a real sword on one side and a young man on the other. At the height they were at it would have resulted in broken bones if either he or she fell. He saw their instructor pacing as the child glided on the pillars and the young man switching stances. Kumeron couldn't tell from the distance he was at but he could have sworn they were both blindfolded.

They continued on and Kumeron saw the fortress itself. It was a large well built and maintained grand fortress that he would have a very hard time describing. Kumeron couldn't wait to see inside.

"Master Dawnguard." Kumeron started.

"Erik." He responded. "The name is Erik and this will be the sixth time you will have asked."

"Apologies, my mind is occupied." Kumeron said as he still looked around. "I wanted to thank you again for dealing with that daedra." 

"Well thank you for letting us have the Elder Scroll for awhile." Erik responded.

"But do remember we are on a bit of a time limit." Kumeron said. 

"Yes we will try to hurry up to make sure the sun isn't blotted out of the sky." The woman said riding behind them. "And in case you forgot my name too, its Serana."

"Serana and Erik." Kumeron said out loud so he would remember it. 

They rode up to a large wooden gate that opened as they approached. The stables were just inside the gate as the stable master led Kumerons horse to its stall. 

As he dismounted, Kumeron saw Erik talking to a dawnguard woman who seemed upset at him for riding the horse.

"Where the fuck is he then?" The woman said as she tried to intimidate Erik.

The Dawnguard HunterWhere stories live. Discover now