A Bloody Gaze

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"Yeah, lets go." Rayan said as they headed into the portal as quickly as they could.


Arkinwrath watched as the two entered the portal to the Soul Cairn then went back to tending Erik. 

"If you're as strong as your master boy, then you should be fine." He said to the unconscious Dawnguard. "But that dosen't mean I'm not going to do my best to take care of you."

The vampire searched through the shelves in a quick but in a non-panic like matter contrary to earlier.

He found shattered black soul gems and void salts from when they searched through the lab. Arkinwrath then grabbed vampire dust and deathbell petals and mixed them at the alchemy lab creating a mixture to slow down the affects of the Soul Cairn. 

""And three drops of water." He said to himself.

He made a black and blue gel and spread it on the purple glow in Eriks chest. The light dimmed in his chest and the affects seemed to slow down immensely.

Arkinwrath then leaned over Eriks chest and mouth, he was still breathing but his heart had an irregular beat to it.

"So this...Soul Siphon as we shall call it has been slowed but you still need whaterver it is they are getting from the Soul Cairn." He said.

Arkinwrath then looked over Erik a few more times to make sure he didnt miss anything then took a sigh of some small relief and went back over to the bookshelf he was at and grabbed the book he was reading and put it on the table Erik was laying on.

He then went and grabbed a chair and sat it next to the table. 

"You're probably wondering why I'm talking to you while you're unconscious?" He started. "Well back when I first became immortal, after I mastered alchemy, I tried my hand at psychology. It was enjoyable for a time, learning how the mind works, but the more I learned the more I saw a small recurring darkness growing in certain people. I pried into it a bit more before I stopped. Some of the things Nords, Orcs, Dark Elves and so on can think of. Those are disturbing.But back to my point on why I'm talking to you. One person whose mind I was studying fell asleep and we had an entire conversation, mainly me, but I must of said some things his subconscious picked up on because years later I saw him again and he was doing what I had talked about. And he was doing it right!"

Arkinwrath continued to talked as hours past and tell stories about his past and his experiences he had learned being immortal.

"I mean this was a grown nord. This was during my small time as a Maester at the Imperial City And he wanted to know about intercourse. I simply said 'you will want to talk to the scholar over there.' And that was the end of that because it was already an awkward conversation enough." He said.

Hours past as as Arkinwrath continued to educate the unconscious Dawnguard with subconscious learning before he decided it was enough learning for the boy. He picked up the book he had sat on the table earlier .

"Ah, Opusculus Lamae Bal, Now this, this is how it all started." Arkinwrath said as he looked at the name reminiscently. "I knew her, Lamae, before all this shit started. She was a sweet, innocent girl, couldn't understand evil, even when it happened to her."

Arkinwrath continued and told the story of how Sanguinare Vampiris or Porphyric Hemophilia  started and how he was made one at the beginning.


"Thanks Elas." A young priestess of Arkay said as she kissed a boy on the cheek who habded her a basket full of herbs. 

"Its a pleasure as always Lamae, I do enjoy it when I get to come here." Elas said awkwardly. 

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