Chapter 22

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Axel's POV:

"Mom. I didn't think it was that big a deal. If I knew it would cause this I wouldn't have done it." Grant said, holding his hands up in a surrendering position.

She shook her head. "You teenagers and your new sexual activities are all going to be the death of me. I also never want to hear details again. That goes for you to Madison. No more details. You guys go have a fun day, it's the weekend and if you arent home by 3 just text me when you get home." She stood up and left the kitchen.

I waited until I couldn't hear her footsteps anymore. "Sorry. I didn't mean to get you in trouble."

"It's fine, just from now on maybe tell me when you feel an attack starting."


He helped me stand. "Madison has asked if she can come to the club with us tonight. Also I know Jaxon will be there. So if you're still up to it we can all go."

I shrugged. "I don't really know if I'm welcome anymore."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well I hit Master Kyle and never got punished for it and I didn't apologize either."

"Did he say anything about it when we were watching a movie with him after?"


"Then it's okay. You weren't exactly acting like yourself."

"Still. I probably shouldn't."

"Do you not want to?"

"I didn't say that. I wanna go and see sophie but I doubt Master Kyle want's me there."

He sighed and pulled out his phone and started texting. A few minutes later there was a response. He held the phone up to me. "See."

G: Hey, Axel would like to verify that he is still welcome at the club and around Sophia. He said he doesn't know if he is because he hit you and wasnt really punished for it nor did he apologize.

MK: Of course Axel is welcome. He wasn't acting normal that day. I don't hold it against him. Sophia would love to see him and he is always more than welcome. Any time, any day. If he really feels that strongly I will accept any apology he would give me but I don't expect one.

"Okay. Can Mads and I go to the mall?"


"So I can get your present."

"I guess so, if she wants to go with you. I gotta run some errands, but you guys can meet me at the club around 5?"

I looked at Madison, who nodded. "Okay."

I stood up and went to leave. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

I looked back confused before it clicked. I walked over to him and leaned down to where he was sitting and kissed him. I pulled away before he could deepen it.

"Love you."

"I love you, too. Have fun. Behave for Daddy."

"Okay." I quickly turned and followed Mads out to her car. Once in and buckled we backed out and headed to the mall.

"Okay we need a game plan. Not only are we going to get you a present for him but we both need to get outfit clubs. What do you have in mind for a gift?"

"I don't know. He got me an engraved promise ring, how do I top that? OH. I should probably just propose right? You think that's what he wants?"

"Uh no, Ax. I don't think he wants his submissive to propose to him. He want's to propose but you and I both know you aren't ready yet. Hence the promise ring."

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