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I rushed between the trees, dodging pointy branches standing in my way and sniffed the air, panicked striken. I was searching,searching and searching but i couldn't smell them. My seven year old senses were messed up as i looked around every corner for my siblings.

My little sisters were gone!

"Mommy....i can't find them! Mommy  mommy where are they? Daddy i need to find them! I didn't mean to scare them! Why can't i smell them mommy?!!! Help me find them! Why are you guys not doing anything!? Daddy get up! Mommy what's wrong with you both!!!!"

My parents laid on their knees near the border, their heads hung low and their eyes bloodshot red, tears streaming down.

I was pretty messy myself, my dress was torn up and my shoes lost and my right knee was bleeding.

My mother looked up at me at last noticing my bruised leg. She picked me up and startedcomforting me, that is when i realised they were gone! I cried and cried without stopping for a full hour until Xander came in and hushed me.

He hugged my little trembling body till i seazed crying.

My mother was inconsolable, my dad pulled her close and whispered into her ears. She calmed down and looked at me, her eyes filled with grief.

Xander was the only one who approached and consoled me.
"Don't cry, sissy. I miss them too but my mommy says that when you think they left, in fact they never did. Instead they were magic and poof they are inside here"

He tapped my chest on the side my heart laid beating slowly heavily with sadness.

"But why? I love them so much i want to play with them everyday. How will i do that now?" Curious yet astonished me asked a little frowning Xander

"They are just resting and umm and umm....yes they asked me to play with you everyday instead!" He exclaimed way too suddenly as i jumped back.

But i kissed him on the cheek finally smiling, i understood that my sisters were always with me.

I walked over to my parents and spoke,
"Its okay mommy, don't cry now. I will tell a secret. You too daddy. Don't cry mommy, they will always be here." I pointed to her chest.

She smiled and picked me up.
"Thank you angel."

My father kissed my cheek sadly and patted my head before leaving.

My mother looked at me before saying,
"Here let me give you a bath. You stink, little lady." She flashed me a fake smile as the tears kepg flowing down her face.

And then i blacked out....

End of the dream

I woke up feeling sore on the side of my neck. The couch was really uncomfortable. I checked the time and sat up, my wolf was still disconnected which was ....weird.

Serene? Serene where are you?
I sent through the bond.
There was no respond  i guess she was in a deep sleep, that lazy ass bitch, i smiled.

I was a little hungry, so i walked into the kitchen. The omegas still there moved to the side and let me through.
"Luna do you need help?" One omega who i particularly liked names Oceane asked.

She was sweet and nice but still very scared of me.

And the fact that they all called me luna instead of alpha was annoying but i was in fact a woman so anyways i could tolerate that.

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