*23* Orphelia's selfishness

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Orphelia was heartbroken, she had to tell Alois all the truth about her past,knowing her mate was there too  hiding, waiting for her. She was thoughtful about what she had done back then and what she is doing now.

She was not thinking straight, she wanted to apologise to Nick but in her mind, even if she could turn back time again, she wouldn't have taken Nick along while fleeing.

Orphelia knows she is greedy when she finds something that wants, it increases her determination, selfishness is in her blood, just like she destroyed a whole pack for her father's acknowledgment.

The way she used Nick, making false promises so that he wouldn't slow her down. And even how she is ready to sacrifice her friendship and kill the friend who accepted her with all her flaws and lackings , who trusted her blindly, for her mate to acknowledge her existence, the fact that she was no weakling in order to steal him back.

Orphelia knew she was selfish, she could not control her feelings  she couldn't stop it. Although sometimes she regrets it, she would never go back on her words with that alpha since she had to take back her first mate at all costs, even if it meant using Sebastien.

"Orphelia?" Sebastien looked worried.

"Yes mate?" She tried her best not to look sad.

"You seemed worried. Look, i am sorry for what happened to you in the past but now you are my mate, i will do what it takes to make you happy. So please forget about your past." He pulled her in a bear hug, taking deep breaths of her scent.

"I know." She smiled in his embrace but deep inside, the dark thoughts kept creeping up like they did in the past, her paranoia tryingto claim her back.

She knew her second mate didn't understand her, her despair, her responsibilities, her deepest fright. She was a little disappointed in him but she like the way he would comfort her. The way he would hold her close.

Closeness made her remember Aiden who didn't even hug her once, he only rejected her. He never stood up for her like Sebastien did but she would still take back what's hers.

Orphelia pulled him down for a kiss, he let her. They were in the dark and narrow corridors leading to Sebastien's bedroom. They kissed greedily for a few moments before Orphelia was picked up, carried bridal style to his bedroom.

"Orphelia, i will never judge you for what you did back then, i am just thankful to the Goddess for taking pity on me and offering you to me. I will take good care of you. I promise to always be sincere and honest with you so please feel free and open with me." His every words like daggers in her heart. He was making her emotional.

Within seconds her paranoia at being left behind disappeared, she was sobbing softly crawled up in his arms. She pecked his chest, wiping away hee tears in his shirt.

He noticed her tears but he decided she had to let out to foeget the pain but he didn't know the reason she was ctying about was going to reinforce her dark side, minutes later.

Orphelia was more than ever determined to get her other mate so that the feeling of being left behind would never come back.

She felt safe in his arm, she thought about how it would feel if both of her mates was hugging her. Aiden on one side and Sebastien on the other, she blushed, her mind experiencing the feeling of safety but the truth yet remains unknown so far.

Her wolf unresponsive, Orphelia realised something then, that day when she first met Sebastien, her wolf had avoided all the other guards but not him. She realised maybe her wolf had known long before her.

Her wolf had been heading for Sebastien instead of Aiden, but reaching her second mate she smelled the scent of the first one and headed out to the first one. Her wold never told her anything.

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