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Third person's pov
A week after the pups birth
18:30 pm, night of the family dinner

Angel sat on her bed staring at both her beautiful pups, their gray eyes examining her face. She grinned at them and they smiled.

Unlike human children, werewolf pups grew quicker. For a human newborn, they smiled and recognised faces a month later but for pups it was earlier. Angel was satisfied with their smiled. She kissed both of them on the chubby cheeks.

She loved how they smell, how they wriggled on the bed and how their eyes brightened at the sight of their father.

"Angel, I'm going to pick Xander at the pack border. The babies are quiet, take this as an opportunity to take a quick shower." He said before kissing her forehead.

He was now taking care of what Angel had the habit of doing. He was comfortable in his skin, he felt confident and more dominant than before. After the birth of the pups, he got more possessive but he avoided showing his newfound aggressiveness.

Angel shrugged, "yeah im going." She stood up, barricaded the twins using pillows forming a wall between them and the edge of the bed. She sighed, not willing to leave the kids alone.

Alois had walked out as soon as he saw Angel stand up. He was confident she would be alright.

Angel walked to the bathroom, looking back at her pups several times. She was uneasy, she felt bad. Something was wrong, the atmosphere in her room felt heavier. She couldn't grasp where these feelings came from, she just brushed it off as possessive feelings.

She walked into thw bathroom without closing the door, she still felt unsafe. She got in the shower and quickly walked back out drenched as soon as she heard a little wince or a noise from the pups.

Soon she thought she was being too much and closed the door halfway. When she was done she walked out, thats when she heard the hysterical crying, she was on full alert as she rushed out the bathroom.

That's when she saw it looming over her children, she growled loudly. Serene was enraged, in front of her stood a witch in its full form. She didn't smell a scent before but now she did, the smell of decay and death hit her nose. She was angrier by the minute.

"What the hell! Get away from my pups!" She yelled, claws out she plunged them deeply into the witch's arm. The witch was immobile, didn't move an inch away from the babies, it was mesmerised.

It turned its veiled head towards Angel,
"Marvelous! They are stronger than the last ones! I will have one, i hope that stupid alpha won't mind! Hahahahhaha" it talked to itself as if Angel was not there.

Angel was panicking at this point, she wanted to scream out of frustration at being helpless, the witch's body was over the wailing pups, hiding them from Angel.

She mindlinked cain, but didn't receive a response and got worried. She felt his presence in the mindlink but she didn't hear him.

The witch took out a knife out of its pocket and started swinging the sharp weapon towards Angel,

"I know he wants you alive but after you destroyed my food last time, i feel like cutting off one of your hands, you will live and i wouldn't be breaking the pact. Hehe isn't that right?" It was delusional.

Angel's eyes flashed red, she was scared to make a move that might hurt her pups, she pulled down the witch's hair as hard as she could so it was facing her and kneed its face. When her naked knee made contack with the creature's skin she cried out loud.

Her knee had embrased sharp teeth, and now she was bleeding, Serene was even more enraged as Angel fell down, she was tired, too tired to get back up. Sleepless night watching over the pups weakened her, she needed time to replenish her strength.

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