*26* Orphelia's mark

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Third person's pov

Orphelia sat next to her mate, he ate breakfast quietly but she could see he beamed with happiness again. Although  she was happy about it, it made her curious about what he had talked about with Angel the day before yesterday.

It itched her insides but she didn't want to ask him about it, she was nervous. She looked at him, he had a constant smile on his face. She thought of Aiden's disdained one, and her heart responded with pain.

She felt jealous because she thought Sebastien was getting too happy over simple words but in reality she didn't know what was awaiting her. She sighed which caught Sebastien's attention,

"What's wrong?" He asked concern written all over his face.

"I.....i was curious about what you spoke about with Angel yesterday?" She asked.

"Well you will find out sooner or later." Was all he said before biting into his bread.

She stared at him for a few minutes before looking away. She was irritated, she absolutely wanted to know what he meant. She got up only to be stopped by Alois.

"Orphelia Trey, follow me to my office." He said, voice filled with his new found authority.

Orphelia bowed and followed. His office was actually Angel's and it annoyed her. She sighed and walked quietly behind an even quieter Alois who didn't seem interested to speak with her.

As soon as she walked in, Angel's scent hit her in the face. Angel was sat at her desk stuffing her mouth with strawberries. Orphelia chuckled at the sight but was made serious again with a single groan from Alois.

"Oh Orphelia, come in come in, sit down. Alois bring out the cup, the contents needed are in that bottle over there." She pointed to a counter and Alois executed.

"What's going on?" Orphelia was curious.

"We are making you one of ours." Abgel smirked, and it was not angelic.

"But..." orphelia was cut off.

"No buts, your mate complained and now we are only making him happy. I don't want one of my main fighters to just look defeated like that. Didn't you feel his pain? You should have been the one to request this from us but he did it instead. This is shameful!" Angel was triggered but she didn't continue.

Orphelia looked down, she was shameful but she didn't want her plan of having both her mates to fail. She wanted to refuse but she couldn't, she would only aggravate the matter.

Her wolf stayed quiet, like she did this past month. She only answered when Orphelia begged her to.

"Thank you Alpha." She said through gritted teeth.

"Here, drink from the cup and you will belong to this pack and to your mate." Angel spoke with authority yet a little bit of malice because she knew something Orphelia didn't know she knew.

Orphelia did as was asked of her and as she felt the bond between her and her mate Sebastien grow stronger, she felt her bond with her other mate Aiden grow weaker. She was sad.

She walked out of Angel and Alois' office with tears in her eyes, but when she looked up and saw her mate's lustful and excited ones she smiled, she forced herself to smile yet she did feel a little happy deep inside.

She couldn't stop comparing Sebastien and Aiden yet she knew Sebastien was the one who always held her down while Aiden was the one to leave her down.

Orphelia was pulled into a bear hug, she was engulfed in a scent that belonged to her now. Her mate pulled her up to him and brought her to his room.

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