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Alois' pov

So he was her father......... i signed.

My wolf was laughing his ass off, he found my embarrassment hilarious.

Don't act as if you knew, you bastard! Tenza shrugged but chuckled.

Our hands were still linked, she didn't pull back this time. She stood close to me watching her father make his speech.

"Let's get this ceremony over and done with! Alright all the new members come up on the stage."

About fifteen people walked forward, a young male was guiding them up, he was the alpha, the air around him held power in it but he was not more powerful than my mate.

"Alpha jaxon Wright, when i first saw my daughter bring you and your pack back, i thought you were her mate. It was shocking to find out the opposite BUT i was more surprised she didn't kill you. I suppose you are special, i thereby welcome you this pack as a normal member, you will be stripped off of your authorities." He passed on a shiny bronze cup to the guy and smiled. Such a fatherly smile.

My wolf backed away sadly, our mate thought this man was special and i was not.

My grip on her hand tightened and she gasped then turned towards me frowning,

"What's wrong?" She looked surprised, but i guess she didn't dare be rude to me in front of this whole crowd.

"N-nothing." I turned my gaze back towards the ceremony, one after the other, the fifteen members of the rogue pack were welcomed.

You could feel it in the air, the smell, each one of them had the same scent as the members of this pack now.

But how about me?

What do you think will happen?my wolf asked.

I don't know Tenza i sincerely don't know.

Just then Alpha Darius turned to me and invited me to stand by his side.

I hesitated before letting go of her hand, i felt cold again.

"My pup finally found her mate and future Alpha of this pack, Alois Blackwell, i welcome you to this pack. You with my pup as alpha female will officially take the lead in a week from now. Next sunday, during the full moon once fully mated, you both will be Alphas of the pack." I was happy but uncertain.

Will i be a good ruler and leader? Will i be able to take upon so many responsibilities.

Don't worry, mate will help us. She will always be with us. My wolf encouraged me.

I thanked the Alpha and turned to my mate who stared coldly at me, i didn't know what i did wrong but she was not happy with how this situation turned out.

She stepped forward and spoke , loud enough for only the few people on the stage to hear.

"But dad, you said that on my twentieth birthday, when i find my mate, you will give me full responsibility of this pack.....why next week?" Her father laughed heartily and patted her head softly.

I watched, a little envious but glad my mate had such a great father.

"Darling, the ceremony needs to take place during a full moon that is during the night not during daytime. The preparations take time. Why are you in such a hurry, the pack will be yours anyway."

He then turned to look at me,

"You also need to be marked and mated."

My wolf lit up at the thought of marking his mates. He was jumping around with happiness and excitement.

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