*20*Orphelia's awareness

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Saturday evening
One and a half days after her encounter with the rogue alpha, her mate and Sebastien

Orphelia sat down for dinner, she was yet again all alone, Marine had her own duties to attend to. Orphelia did not feel sad, instead she was calm and at peace. She sat on her own, or so she thought.

Ever since yesterday morning, she felt eyes on her back, staring intently at her, she was annoyed more than embarrassed. She knew very well who it was too.

But she didn't dare look back at him. She knew it was him, because she would catch glimpses of him at points when her back would start itching. She would see this big blush like a school girl. On top of that, she was well aware she had her own mate but she would blush everytime their eyes would meet.

And now this big guy, no big is an understatement, this enormous guy sat in front of her munching loudly on his food all the while staring at her. She couldn't eat.

What man in their right mind would stare at a woman eating, Orphelia was scared and somewhat suspicious that maybe he overheard them that day. But why isn't he taking action? Or maybe he never heard them but why is he staring!

She shrugged loudly and looked up at him, a loud growl escaping her mouth. The room went quiet before a few chuckles were heard. She was confused why they didn't growl at her back and made her surrender, they all just went back to eating smiles on their faces.

She wondered what was wrong with this pack, when it came to fighting they were so good, but she thought they would all be like Angel, cold and always angry. But she was awwed to see the opposite.

The munching became more annoying to her ear as if teasing her eardrums before exploding, she couldn't take it anymore.

"Could you please stop that!?" She whisper-yelled.

"Stop what?" Sebastien said taking a big bite out of his bread.

Orphelia was taken aback by his cute way of eating, he looked like a child. Her face heated, her mind in perils she didn't understand.

"Making all that noise and staring!" She scrunched her nose at him to show her dislike.

He laughed heartily in the process got strangled with the big bite of bread. He was choking, face red, Orphelia quickly grabbed her glass of water offering it up to him, she chuckled.

He took the glass and quickly swallowed its content. He was out of breath, Orphelia laughed. This man was the only person to make her laugh after so many years, it wasn't a fake laugh but it was from her heart.

His big brown eyes were still staring at her but she couldn't stop, 'that's what you get for making fun of me.'

Well this moment really shows the karma is a bitch moment.

When she stopped, he was smiling. His whole face screamed, I like her.

"Are you okay? Try to munch properly and swallow, don't laugh with all that food in your mouth!" She let out her frustration a little on thatman she spoke to only twice, now thrice.

"Well.....im fine now. Thank you for the water." He simply said.

Orphelia was curious as to why he was at her table.

"Why are you sitting at my table?"

He looked up from his soup and stared being smiling again,
"I saw you all alone so i invited myself in." He said casually.

She grinned,
"Is it normal to just sit and eat with a rogue here?"

"Not really but sometimes people are nice, not all packs hate rogues that much. Why should i hate you anyways, you didn't do anything wrong. You were just a runaway right." He spoke with utter honesty, it left her mouth hanging open.

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