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Cain's pov

The rogue sneaked past the guard, rushing in between the trees, her red hair like a fire amongst the greenery. She was easy to spot.

She didn't sense me yet, my scent is impossible to hide. Hybrids like me have it rough but since i had no wolf, the scent was lighter. I found it easier to disguise mine using either heavy perfumes or just rolling, rubbing on heavily smelling objects.

I found a smell that would blend in  with the forest, i had rubbed myself in the trees and rolled on the ground a few times to smell of mud and trees.

My eyes were locked on the redhead, i was faster than her but i had to keep pace. She was extremely far from the border, my senses were heightened. I absolutely couldn't take any risks.

She on the other hand, dodged all branches swiftly as if she had been there a lot before. Her suspicious acts were very unnerving.

She reached a cleared circle spot, a wide circle clear of trees. Only rocks were assembled all around, i climbed up a tree to get a better view, hiding between the leaves.

The rogue sat down on a rock, closest to the center of the circle. She was waiting.

What are you waiting for rogue?

Thoughts over thoughts in my head, she sat there a disturbing smile on her face, she looked like a psychopath. A cold blooded murderer that had gone mad.

I couldn't look at her face, the thought of her being disloyal to Angel, someone who landed her a hand, made my blood boil.

I hate traitors.

Sudden rufling and puffing brought me back to reality. Footsteps were approching her current location, she didn't budge instead of uncertainty, fear she looked excited.

Two men came out of the darkness, both dressed in black, hoods shadowing their faces. she smiled brighter as the tallest of the two took his hood off and smiled at her, a sad smile.

I could smell his fear from here, his fear of the still hooded man behind him.

What the hell is going on!?

The shorter one stood, the girl's face turned to a smirk as she prepared herself to speak.

"Hahaha the news i brought today is so precious, i don't feel like telling you all of a sudden!" She said.

"Woman....you look mad! Don't you dare waste my time, speak!" He groaned. The voice with which he spoke was soft, yet held so much authority. The curiosity to catch his glimpse was making me nervous.

He growled, she submitted as she bowed,

"Okay okay i will tell you. But i want my mate to hug me first." She grinned, her eyes blank, devoid of emotions. I was seriously creeped out.

The hooded man took off his hoodie, i was mesmerised. I never knew a man would hold this much beauty. But surprisingly i was attracted to this scentless man.

Why the hell was he hiding his scent, i want a sniff. My thoughts were disrupting me from my main goal.

The beauty turned to the taller man, who executed the order. He hugged that woman who had her hands tightly around the man's chest. She squeezed him.

The man pulled back as soon as the beauty groaned. The she wolf was left on a side looking annoyed. She wasn't like that at the pack earlier, where was her sadness.

"Now speak!" That sweet voice again.

"The woman you want as your mate has mated and is now carrying his pup." She laughed evilly after announcing her important news.

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