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When the alarm rang, a loud groan could be heard in the room, it was Angel, she was not happy about. She knew she had a mission but she felt lethargic she wasn't happy about the lack of sleep.

"Alois, wake up." She said, patting the left side of the bed but it was cold, she opened her eyes slowly. The room was empty.



Where the hell are you? Angel was curious.

With Simon, i wanted to see him before we leave.

Huh, isn't it too early for that child to be up? Anyways you took a bath already?

Nop, not yet. I will be back in a few minutes then i will.

Alright. Say hi to him for me please. Angel said before getting up.

She walked to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and and directly got into the shower.

Within 10 minutes, she was ready. Black jeans, blue shirt. She was comfortable. Alois walked in when she was brushing her hair.

"Morning." Angel greeted him.

"Good morning." He was grinning from ear to ear. You could tell he had a great time.

He got ready.

"Mindlink the others to inform them that we are ready." Angel said, tying up her hair into a bun, she was heating up again but she had to calm down or else she will create trouble.
"Ask them if they are done too."

Alois looked at Angel, he was surprised but then recovered and did as he was told.

"They are nearly done, they will be down in 15 minutes." Angel nodded.

Angel hid her scent, she was confident she would be able to contain herself for another day or maybe even forget about it.

They all checked out and boarded their respective vehicles. Angel drove, she was adamant to be the first to drive. Three hours later, they reached destination.

Let's stop at Cupid's Bow next for breakfast and some rest. Only one hour rest. After that town, we can head for the village of Schoenberg. She mindlinked Xander.

Roger that. And i see you have let him ask us to head out today. It is weird hearing a guy voice ordering us on missions, we got acquainted to you. I guess we will have to adapt to him too.

Uhhuh.. Angel was not in the mood to speak more, she just blocked him off.

She was feeling stuffed, holding in one's scent was hard but it was tolerable. Alois sat by her side, looking outside at the houses, buildings they passed.

He didn't know why he felt all of this looked familiar. They eventually reached a road surrounded by plantation, fields and fields of corn. He was amazed, he thought how a corn was similar to human life.

A seed is planted, it grows in to a tree that ripens into giving fruits that in turn ripens before the tree is cut off and the corns collected.

To him it was similar as to how humans are born into this world, they get support and love, grow older, make money, have children and then they pass away leaving everything they had to their children and their lives continue on the same way.

The only differences with werewolves were that they live longer, werewolves could live up to 150 years old and their lives are always filled with danger as well as adventure.

Alois was curious about what really made him feel like déjà vu. He had a weird feeling in his stomach, his gut feelings pumping in and he became more suspicious about that weird pack who made a deal with them but he swore whatever happened there he would protect Angel with his life.

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