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After 3 days, Angel was back home
It was two days after Orphelia found out about Sebastien and
4 days ever since Xander became a leader.

Angel sat in her father's office, accompanied solely by Cain Lewis. Alois was put back to training, she didn't let him come along.

"Why do you see him fit to take on the post of beta?" Alpha Darius was curious about her daughter's choice and the drastic change in hierarchy.

"He is a powerful ally, person and hybrid," as soon as the words left her mouth, the tension in the room peaked up. "I did my research on him and his background, he, dad, is a hybrid. And as we all know hybrids are faster and stronger. Parents were mate from two different races, the mother a pure blood vampire while the father a beta. He has a great sense of leadership." Angel finished.

Cain was surprised, he never told anyone this much information about him before, not even the people who accompanied him for all these years. Although he wanted to ask from where she found these information, he found it safer to just stay quiet.

Alpha Darius was taken aback by the professionalism of his pup but hybrids were rare, they were dangerous to Alphas as they were stronger.

"Angel...are you sure about this?"

"Affirmative dad, no doubts. We are not enemies of these species, our norms and stories are the ones pushing us towards such a phase. I do not have any problems with others as long as they respect me. Although other packs may hate them dad, i don't." Angel spoke with sincerity.

Cain realised that this Alpha Female was confident to the bones and she wouldn't give up on him, never. Not like his own family did.

Her father nodded and turned to Cain who offered a smile,
"What do you think young man?"

"I think your daughter will be a wonderful alpha female and i will gladly be her beta." Cain spoke honestly. It was true that it came from his heart.

Alpha Darius was satisfied by this answer and turned back to Angel,
"Pup, i hope what you are planning turns out successful."

"It will, dad. When did my plans ever fail?!" She furrowed her eyebrows, annoyed at her father.

"When Alois showed up and you now have to wait until i give up my position to you." Her father was grinning at her. She shrugged, blushing and quickly walked out without waiting for her father's permission.

Cain apologised to the alpha and followed Angel.

"Well, what do i need to do?" Cain wanted to know how a pack works.

"Now tell me why your pack didn't want you? Why were you kept apart?" Angel looked at him sideways.

"Well....obviously because I'm a half blood who could have taken the alpha's position anytime once i was a grown man. And it was not about not wanting me, instead they gave me options."

"Options?" Angel was confused.

"They wanted me to become an omega and work with construction or become a warrior who would stay in the dungeon day in and day out. I didn't want any of this i was a free teenager, i was only thirteen, then they threatened to kill my mother and my father. So i ran away." He sadly hunched his head down looking at his feet.

"Do you want revenge? I wouldn't mind you showing off being my beta and i dont mind taking over another pack...." Angel smiled.

Cain laughed, "well eighty years ago would have been a great time for revenge but i guess they all went underground already."

Angel was shocked, "how old are you?!"

"109." He smirked.

Angel chocked, "grandpa Cain!" She laughed. "I never expected this but don't hope i will be polite to you."

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