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Alois' pov

Ever since i woke up, there was an annoying feeling crawling up in my stomach, i didn't feel like leaving the room for the next few hours that might unravel.

But Angel said i accomplished something yesterday, she said i vanquished my fear. I doubt it is true because my real fear is being left alone.

Yesterday, i had snapped, Tenza was in control. He was the one who vanquished his fear of these horrible people. I blacked out during the fight, all i remember was Angel's wolf crying out in pain.......

....and the next thing i know is i am taking her to our guestroom. She had never asked for my help butin a way i was glad she didn't because now Tenza recovered from what held him back.

The torture Tenza suffered at the hand of Fernando and Collin was horrible. I was there, i watched helpless but Tenza wouldn't let me feel the pain, he took everything upon himself.

I thought back then, 'even my wolf pities me' and i was right, i was the weakest.
It was on my eighteenth birthday, as soon as i shifted in my cell, they appeared like demons coming through dark holes, trying to snatch my wolf.

Upon his wake, Tenza was nearly rendered crazy.

I followed Angel with my eyes as she walked out of the bathroom fully dressed and humming. She had jeans and a red blouse on. Red for auspicious. Her long hair, she was combing it with so much care that it even mesmerized me.

She saw me staring through the oval mirror on the wall and turned around.
"Do you want me to do your hair too?" She asked, eyes shining.

I had already done mine but i guess she didn't like it. So i just nodded, smiling at her.

Are we like them now? We just killed wolves and i am smiling?! Am i like them now?

The question directed at Tenza, passed through Angel who stood still for a few minutes. She groaned and approached me with quick steps. Her limping had stopped, her leg was as good as new.

Thats a perk of being an Alpha.

She was silent for a while, before starting to untangle my hair, then she shrugged,

"You know, these people were different they were torturing children, many other wolves, they killed too many of us. They are not wolves, they are monsters. But you, you killed the evil ones, think about all the lives that you have saved, all the lives you have changed." she paused.

I turned to face her, she was not angry, she was not annoyed but instead she held a smile, a sincere and honest smile.

"Alois Blackwell you are not like them." Was all she said before pushing me back around and typing down my hair.

She hugged my shoulders and pecked my cheek before letting go.

"Let's go now." She said holding out a hand for me to take.

I grabbed her hand softly and felt her pull me up, we walked outside in silence.

Down on the grass in front of the packhouse, seven bodies were laid out next to each other. The heads uncovered, all of them staring up at the sky with hollow, dead eyes.

The putrid smell of death, decay, all the whispering and lastly the crying took me back in time to when i watched my dead parents being disposed off like rag dolls.

The crows were starting to circle the field where the war had taken place. All the adult wolves in the pack had been killed, none had survived.

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