*31* Orphelia's regrets

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3:30 a.m

I couldn't sleep. I was deep in thoughts.

I became clingy.

In the past few months, i fell in love with Sebastien. That big man supported me with so much love, so much warmth, i was sure i would not fall so deep but i did.

I couldn't stop thinking about him, my mind was a mess. A complete mess.

*bang* *bang*

I couldn't fall asleep that night and then those two loud bangs kept waking me up. I sat up, walked to the window and looked down. Outside it was very windy, but something was odd too.

Among the trees stood a tall figure cloaked in black, looking up directly at me with shiny Yellow eyes. Canines out into a venomous smile, it was a man i didn't want to be close to.

Valentine stood there waiting.

I slowly opened the door and headed downstairs. I didn't know how he accessed the pack grounds, how he got so close to the pack house, i was confused.

But then it came back, i was the one who gave the weak spots away. It was I.

My long dress rose up to my knees and back down, the wind nearly took my feet off the ground, it was as if the moon Goddess was venting her anger, she wanted me to go back to my room but i couldn't.

As the gap between us became smaller and smaller, i felt the cold air around him, he stinked slightly but this scent i could only catch it when i was a few meters away from him.

"Well....took you long huh." He groaned.

I looked down, i couldn't look him in the eyes. I was afraid, i was feeling weak.

"Why are you here, alpha Valentine?" I muttered.

"Of course to remind you of your task! I hope you still remember. Do you?" He menacingly stepped towards me but i jumped back.

He was amused by my actions.

"I d-do." I spoke quietly, sadness filling me.

I didn't want to do anything anymore. Alois......gave me a home. He forgave me even though i betrayed him, he accepted me back.

"In approximately 3 hours, i will bring hell down here, my pack outnumbers this one and i know they will be intimidated! I want you to be ready, take this knife, it is laced with wolf bane. Once it penetrates his heart, he will die on the spot. Take it!" He forced the knife into my hands.

I was trembling,
"What if i give up? What if i don't want to do it anymore?" I whispered.

His eyes widened in anger, he grabbed me by the collar of my dress and lifted me up, his face close to mine, his breath on my face.

"You better not give up or that mate of yours, Sebastien Dale will be history. I will kill him myself right before your damn eyes!" He growled into my ears  i was petrified.

Tears was flowing down my face.
"I......I will do it, don't hurt Sebastien. Why do you always seek to hurt my mate!" I asked looking up at the sky but not in his eyes.

"Because you are nothing but a weakling! Aiden did well to leave you behind." He grunted letting go of me and pushing me away.

He started making his way back into the forest,
"Don't you dare forget what you have to do!" He disappeared in the shadows.

After that i laid in bed, eyes wide open. The ceiling of my bedroom was comforting, Sebastien by my side brought warmth but Aiden in my thoughts squeezed at my heart.

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