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Angel's pov


"I know this is only going to cause you trouble but.......can't i stay with you?" He whispered, his eyes scanning my face.

I was panicking, didn't we mark each other then why was he talking like that!

He turned away, walking slowly towards the door.

He was leaving.

Stop him!

He continued walking. I rushed forward and grabbed at his shirt.
"Alois stay!"
He stopped, his eyes' changed shades. His wolf took over.

"I will, mate." Tenza was gentle. "Alois passed out, he was tired."

I nodded, " take a bath first, we need to go grab dinner in about 3 hours. You can rest for a while too."

"Yeah seems cool. Take out what you want me to wear and put them on the bed."

"Huh, can't you do that yourself?!" I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Human clothes are bothersome, i don't know how they work, just take them out for me please." He was rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed.

I shrugged and took out his clothes.

What am i , housewife?! Serene chuckled.

'If you want to be, you need to give us a few pups.' Tenza added in.

I face palmed myself, i forgot about the bond which got stronger since we marked each other.

Tenza smirked before walking in the bathroom.

'Can we go for a run later?' Tenza was hesitant.

Yeah sounds good.

'Is it a date then ladies?'

I laughed loudly, Serene was happy.

Yeah yeah Serene replied wagging her tail.

I walked out of the room to my office. The hallway was empty, i guess everyone was taking a nap or something, the training blasted all of their asses for sure.

I made a detour deciding to go to the kitchen instead. The Omegas looked beat but they were still cooking.

I walked up to them and they stiffened,

"Won't you guys rest?" I was intrigued.

"Alpha, we will rest later we need to cook dinner first." Nora smiled at me not meeting my eyes.

"Let me help, i want to give you guys a hand."

They looked surprised, their mouths made big Os. But soon they smiled as they noticed my freshly made mark.

"Cut the onions and the carrots for us please." Said Nora.

I completed the task and asked if i could help with anything else and returned to my room. I smelled horrible and i needed to take a bath.

I walked in to Alois sprawled on my bed, he looked relaxed and content.

I quickly jogged to the bathroom and went in.

I watched my mark in the mirror, it had healed. I smiled.

Ever since i met him, everything was going the wrong way. I planned everything and he came in as disruption.

He spoiled all of my plans and now an Alpha Rogue who came out of nowhere wants me as his mate.

I need to make plans, at least for this. Angel could feel the tension building inside of me and she tapped her puffy paw against my consciousness.

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