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Alois' pov

I watched as my mate silently walked away, Tenza taunting me inside my head, i knew she was angry but i couldn't just let her embarrass Orphelia in front of so many pack members.

Even if he wanted the man to disappear, he could not bear to see his mate being so cruel to another of her own kind.

I knew she wouldn't lie to me but i wanted to believe Orphelia too, how can you not trust a person who has been with you, your entire life. Maybe, just maybe, for only this once i wished Angel's gut feelings were wrong, i wished her speculations were all wrong.

Orphelia stood over the lifeless body of that evil man, staring at his distorted face. I knew the wish i made seconds ago wouldn't come true as i saw her crack a small smile.

"Orphelia?" I called out to her, shocked.

"You know, your mate was telling the truth." She spoke, looking up at me. Our eyes met, i could clearly see regret.

I inhaled deeply, trying to stay focused. I was intrigued as well as doubtfull,
"Speak, tell me more about about it."

"This monster was indeed my father. My mother is already dead right? This man, shameless wolf abandoned me in the middle of the woods, i was only seven years old. I was completely lost! At the mercy of rogues." She spoke with disdain.

"Seven? But at that time weren't you already living with us? What are you saying?!" I was perturbed, this was impossible.

"I lied, i am in fact 2 years older than you, Alois. I...lied to you about a lot of things." She said looking back down at her feet.

I walked up to her, aa if u could no longer comprehend english, i felt so betrayed, disappointed and worn out. After stealing a glance at my shocked face, she continued,

"When i thought i was lost, i found your pack and they took me in. I thought my torturous life had finally come to an end but no, he came back as a cattle buyer. He would pull me to a dark corner by my hair, threaten me then mentally abuse me. He had said, 'You don't deserve to be anyone's daughter! If you can't evwn do a little task like that for your real father. What a useless child you are. Your new family will also kick you out soon.' I was becoming more and more paranoid. So i did what he asked me to so i could become a worthy and good daughter. I helped spy on your pack. I told them the weak points and they killed everyone......" she went silent for a few minutes.

I couldn't speak, i was infuriated.

"Then after that i started liking you, you were the only one who was nice to me. My parents thought i would help you escape, i was whipped and closed in a room for 3 to 4 days without food. After they let me out again, i would go back to you, i didn't care as long as someone was nice to me, even if it costs me scars and no food. But when i reached twenty and found out you were not my mate, i was disappointed but i still wanted to be with you Alois!"

"Orphelia....." i was boiling with rage, her selfishness had no end.

"That was when you were eighteen, i tricked Nick to help us escape and that we would bring someone to save him. I didn't ask him to come along, he would have been a burden, he was too injured. I wouldn't have been able to carry, neither would you have been able to. I uses him back then, i feel extremely guilty for that but i had to do it for me, for us. Don't get me wrong, i loved him more than my real family, his parents were perfect, they made me feel normal and loved. I......didn't want anything to happen to them but i had to prove i was a good daughter." She was hysterically yelling, breathing heavily.

I didn't move, i wanted to slap her hard. I was furious but i couldn't even hit her. My parent's and so many others had died because of her selfishness, her stupid beliefs. She killed everybody i loved, she made my life a living hell for more than 13 years. I took a deep breath.

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