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I have known Valentine my whole life and i trusted him like a brother. He always had an influence on me like an idol ever sincewe were young, he was everything i wanted to be........an alpha.

He moved around with self respect  awareness and such arrogance  it was princely but i was aware it was because he was the only son of the alpha, his only heir.

And i.......i was only a gamma son, one amongst 3 and i was the youngest. The least favourable one to be made future gamma. At a young age i realised i was replaceable.

Valentine was not always nice to me,as the weakest from the gammas i was his daily bully target until he stopped one day and befriended me. He had admitted to me that he didn't have a true friend although he was always surrounded by people.

He would say, all people know to do is backstab but i knew he trusted me, eventually he had stopped hanging out with a group of people and instead there was only me.

I felt important.

I felt needed.

I felt irreplaceable in that moment.

The feeling of wanting to become an alpha had disappeared instead i wanted to become more important to him as a truthful and honest right hand he could always depend on.

I was confident he would make me his gamma instead of my brothers once he would take over. But what i wasn't expecting was, him getting beaten up by his father, running away from the pa ck.

What i had in mind when i had witnessed that scene was my support was leaving me! I will once again be unimportant, a usable and disposable being.

I had panicked and in the heat of the moment i had decided to follow him. We were young, very childish and stupid. We never dwelled on the past as the years passed by, as we bacame part of a rogue pack together, we became closer. I was glad we were nearly inseparable, he stayed with me more than with his beta at the rogue pack.

I believed i became his brother. I considered us siblings, inseparable although we didn't share blood..........but i knew he held other feelings for me. He  murmured my name when he was sleeping once, with a sentence i would never forget.

"Aiden.....please love me more..........be my mate......"

But i couldn't return such feelings thus i ignored what had happened that night. I was glad no other pack members were around to witness his drunken confession.

I tried forgetting about everything he had said that night, i burried them and i thought they rot away but..........it was just a thought in the end.

Even if i was nervous i would hide it, i stayed natural. I didn't want to be thrown away, i knew he would ignore me and eventually we would break apart. I didn't want to feel replaceable again.
Never. Again.

I didn't want anyone else to have my rank.

So i went along with whatever plans he made. Then one day i saw him take interest in a certain alpha female and i was relieved. Then i met my mate on a mission he sent me on, Orphelia was beautiful.

But i had not learnt her name by asking nicely instead i had offended her, i spoke rudely to her and i knew i broke her heart but i didn't want her to fall into his hands. He had become manipulative, there was no exceptions and i was scared because my mate had become important to me, more important than my loyalty to him. I needed her safe.

Although i knew all along what he had planned, the attack but after further investigation i saw the state of our pack and the state of theirs. It was clear, defeat was all that awaited us.

Valentine had become delusional, he had been feeding the witches too many of our warriors, we were left with omegas and weak females. We would only be losing members if we fought them

But i also knew he wouldn't back down.

So my first lie to him was never meeting Orphelia.

My second lie was to say she was not worth my time and that's why i didn't want her.

The third lie was that i totally trusted him.

The fourth one is that i knew him completely.

All these years i leaned about him, but he was superficial he had hidden his true self behind tall and heavy walls. I had been fooled by him before but when we had first gotten into the rogue pack, i saw him trembling in front of the former alpha.

I knew he hid a weak self behind his strong aura.

I understood it better when i realised his plans with the alpha female named Angel.

I.........wanted to be set free from the relation that i myself wanted to reinforce. I was now trapped.

That is why i had told him that no matter what we would be able to win over Angel's pack. I convinced him we would be able to destroy them so that i would get rid of him as i take my Orphelia away.

I lost all trust in him when he had first slapped Orphelia and bargained over my life with her. That day he had beaten me unconscious too as if i was.............nothing. But i had shrugged it off as jealousy and i thought him being an alpha didn't like favourite plaything to have a mate. That is why he beat me up and slapped her.

I couldn't do anything to protect her then.


I had evil thoughts, i couldn't eat properly, i felt stuffy inside. I wanted to run away. I wanted him to be gone. But when he had forced me to beat up Orphelia i wanted to drop dead in the middle of that damn forest. I wanted him to drop dead too.

I was fine when he had slapped me but then me, his useful tool, his puppet was asked in alpha tone to discipline Orphelia..........i was broken.

Later on, i hadn't anticipated Orphelia having a second mate................it broke my heart to pieces, the lies she had spoken that night had pierced my soul. When i collapsed on my bed that night, i didn't have the strength to get up, i was shattered.

Then it hid me hard.

She had chosen someone else over me. I was replaceable.

I was ready for this war. I wanted to kill that other mate. But we had to wait now, till the alpha female had given birth, Valentine had intended to use her pups to lure her out. Although it was despicable, i wanted Orphelia at all cost, i just needed to survive through this war and kill the other mate. Nothing else mattered.

I had waited patiently for that day when all laws will be broken when we will go to war and i would claim mine back forgetting they were far more powerful than we were and that i was a mere gamma.

But i never knew it would all come back at me. As Valentine's plan flopped, Orphelia had tried to save me till the end, she was still working with Valentine till the end. She was still ready to kill Alois, the alpha for me. She..........didn't give up on me.

Tears had escaped my eyes as i saw her drop the knife and realised how hard it was for her to even consider killing someone close to her. Someone she knew her whole life. I realised i would feel the same way had i been threatened to kill Valentine.

I understood her then.

Even though i was late.

I knew this time i couldn't let Valentine harm her. She had always been on my side.

There were things i wanted to tell her but i had no words to convey them...............

I launched myself in front of her as Valentine was about to bite her head off, the only words that i could whisper to her as the wolf hit impact were,

I am sorry

And everything went black.........

Author's notes:
Dear readers im back!!!! Hehe.....
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