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Alois had woken up refreshed and now he was running freely in wolf form chasing his mate through the forest. They ran around, playing tag. Although it was not angel, he was enjoying himself.

His wolf was happy.

Alois had not been that happy in a while, although he was just watching from his wolf's eyes, he was happy. But Serene was alone, Alois couldn't feel Angel from the big black wolf in front of him.

She blocked her inside or was it that Angel blocked herself inside...

Why did you leave her in there alone? Alois talked normally with Serene.

She doesn't want to come out, she is brooding about how she could have let herself fall asleep next to you. She is annoying so i just escaped the bond for a while. Don't worry about her, she will be out soon. Serene knew how it felt but she was helpless in this case.

It was all up to Angel whether she will accept him or not but Serene knew for sure that Angel is already infatuated although she doesn't notice it yet.

Serene thought the boy was too pure to be abandoned.

The red eyed wolf examined her mate as he followed after a butterfly a little further from her. She felt big next to him so she played carefully in order not to hurt him, even if their sizes differed only by a few inches she was nervous about hurting him.

They had both wandered into the woods and reached the border, they layed there for a while, Serene watching over him as he rolled around happy, he was finally free.

Everything waa fine until a foul stench reached Serene's nostrils. She growled, jumping up. Her eyes glaring into the dark woods beyond her border.

She looked around, Tenza had wandered off a little away from her, she went still but remained calm. She called out to Angel,


Angel resurfaced, she ordered Serene to let her shift and did just that.

"Alois!" She called out to him, he stiffened but ran to her as soon as she called, he smelled it too then.

Angel stood straight, pushing Alois' dark brown wolf behind her. She was naked but didn't even attempt to cover up, she was more worried about the rogues entering her perimeters.

Angel sniffed and she knew instantly that these rogues were here to kill and not just harm.

"Come out!" She growled so loudly, even Tenza flinched before realising her nakedness.

He ran and stood on the defensive in front of her, he was not letting anyone see his mate like this.

Angel groaned at him, "move away, you are in my line of fight!"

'No!" She heard it loud and clear.

When she was about to push him away, a dark figure rushed forward, with a syringe in his hand. She was way faster, her hand grabbed at his neck and instantly crushed it, her enemy whimpered before falling dead to the ground. She was no longer behind Alois.

She growled at the other rogues who came out with weapons, there were 7 rogues standing in front of her, they all growled but she could smell their fear.

She laughed, her nails growing longer and sharper into claws. She was going to prove a point by attacking in human form, she was telling them how weak they were.

Angel was a combination of herself and her wolf, her body was hers but her eyes and claws were Serenes. They were the best this way but no one needed to know this. It was her secret to staying the strongest.

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