*27* Cain's encounter

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3rd person's pov

Cain watched perched on top of a robust branch as Orphelia's truth was unravelled to her other mate. Cain knew instantly what his alpha had been planning for a while.

Angel wanted Orphelia to choose one of her mates, that is why she made her a pack member. Orphelia choose Sebastien and now it broke the other's heart, however what Cain was curious about was why did he feel the pain only after setting sight on the mark but not when she was marking another wolf.

Cain saw that enemy alpha again, he was perturbed by his beauty, he was no longer afraid to admit the man was really a sight, it made him a little uncomfortable. He was never attracted to the same sex before, he was curious about what this meant but he was not too eager since Valentine was the enemy.

After the gamma and Orphelia left, the alpha stayed back. An evil grin plastered on his face, he chanted a rhyme that made Cain even more uneasy it was dark, a dark sorcery rhyme.

Cain's eyes widened in horror as a his surroundings got blurry, valentine whistled and a loud screech was heard before a humanoid figure materialized in front of the alpha. Tall, dark and eerie.

A witch.

It's body deformed, legs shaped as hooves that stood backwards on the ground, a face hidden behind dreadlocks. The eyes, nose and mouth not visible, the air was heavier and it reeked of death. The hands were armed with claws, dirty and stained with thousand of innocents' blood.

This creature was genderless.

Cain's breath stuck in his throat, he was about to choke but he restrained himself. He didn't want to be discovered and killed, he knew this witch would paralyze him and use him as food as soon as it laid eyes on him.

"Boy! Why have you summoned me again?!" The monotone and bored yet terrifying voice came out of the creature.

"I have something i want to discuss with you. This concerns our pact." Valentine spoke without fear. His small body could easily be hidden behind that creature's but he looked fearless.

Cain felt admiration for the man whose scent was still, to that day unknown to him.

"What is so important that you had to summon me, werewolf! Speak, oh do speak before i lose my patience!" The witch approached the alpha, passing one of his claw tracing his jawline.

Valentine didn't even flinch but Cain was angered, he wanted to rip that beast's hand away from his beauty.

"This contract we hold will be over in approximately 6 months or so and i don't want to see your form anywhere near my pack. I will give you four sheeps for each months but do not ask for my men, i cannot afford to lose more of them!" Valentine stood his ground.

"Do you think four sheeps are enough for my stomach! I want men flesh!" The creature roared.

"Don't forget the former alpha gave you those twins! They hold more value than what you want inside your stomach!" He growled back.

The creature stepped back, stood tall in a thinking posture, them he sighed giving up.

"Alright alright! Is that all now? I need to leave! " the creature whined which made Valentine groaned and he dismissed the creature.

Cain watched in disgusts as the witch disintegrated on the floor into mud and disappeared. He let out a shaky breath, the air was normal again, he watched Valentine sit back, his trembling shoulders facing him.

"I know you are there." He spoke.

Cain stayed put, he was shocked. It was not possible, in all those years no one found him out but how did he!?

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