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Angel's pov

Training was hard and i knew it. Four full hours nonstop of cardio, single training, double training, a lot of weight lifting and most importantly defense.

Alois along with the other omegas had to start from scratch. Alois had gone to meet Doc and got his plaster removed early in the morning. Thus as i thought Xander's defense , counter attack lessons were more efficient. They were easy but very effective.

They sparred for a while, each taking turns parrying. The young Jaxon was there too along with his friends.

But i was training with the warriors, they were the ones in charge of patrolling the borders and i needed them safe. They were the front liners of the pack, they needed extensive training although they were already very efficient in their job. I was not ready to put my guards down.

I could feel his stares at times and i stared too. I wanted to see his development and how he was doing.

I nodded in agreement as i saw him parry against another wolf. He was pretty good.

By the end of training I saw his knees give out and glanced at him. He was still looking at me. I looked away, up at the house to catch Orphelia staring from her room.

She didn't participate since she was not a member of the pack. What i was waiting for now is my mate begging me to take her in. However i knew this time he wouldn't go against me.

I saw her cling onto my mate this morning and i watched how other pack members raised their eyebrows, eyes shining with curiosity. They seemed amused waiting for a reaction from me and i offered my best performance.

On her arrival in the kitchen, i gave her my best glare and growled loudly to show i was more powerful and that she was crossing the line by being so close to my mate.

Well of course it was for show off but Serene was not happy and i knew why but she didn't know i knew. I played her too, that foolish wolf who gave in to temptation last night.

I might seem as if I am giving up and giving in to him but if we need to mate, at least i had to make it seem real for him. Even if it hurts, i couldn't afford to risks anything.

Sometimes i get carried away but i.......don't want to forget.

He tried mindlinking me a few times but i playfully blocked him out.

Angel.....stop doing that, let him speak. Serene still sounded guilty.

Hmmm...i will think about it after you tell me what happened last night. I was amused she thought i would be angry but i had come up with something when i was out of the bond yesterday.

It seems to be the best option.

Serene stayed quiet.

Anyway i already knew. I woke up at some point when Tenza was kissing you. I'm not mad. I guess it's ok, he is your mate. Serene signed in relief.

But then realised,

He is your mate too Angel! She was on the defensive.

Alois! I know you are in here. How did you get in?! I felt him as soon as he broke the barrier off.

'I-I-I wasn't eavesdropping or anything. I just wanted to know if you are okay and about yesterday i am .....happy.' he really sounded happy. My heart felt heavy knowing i wasn't ready for him yet.

My feet unconsciously made their way to him, i stood over his tired body. He smelled sweet , of sweat and the scent of Tenza.

"I am fine. You on the other hand are struggling just by learning defense. I don't know what might happen when you start training attacks and in wolf form." I chuckled.

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