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The next day(a day before her birthday.

Beta Xander's pov

Something's wrong! Why did she decide to take in these rogues!? My wolf,coda was as perplexed as i was.

Maybe she changed her mind and opened up her heart to others. Maybe she pitied the guy......i guess.... he said back to me before shrugging.

We were all in the meeting room, with Alpha Darius as well as Angel. Her father looked surprised and  confused but he did not seem disappointed. He actually looked relieved. Maybe he thought she was getting soft.

Maybe she was....my wolf whispered at the back of my head but stayed there lying down, relaxed.  Serene is surprised too but she didn't ask her anything.

Well she is weird anyway, i just hope she thought this over. I hope everything goes according to what she planned.

Angel stood up abruptly and the whole table tensed. She then looked at the young Alpha rogue before saying,

"I brought in this rogue and his family today since i want to have them join the pack. Thus they will be new members and not rogues no more. However this young man, Jaxon Wright will be stripped off his alpha title as he will be staying here thus reducing him to a normal member of the pack." She was about to continue but was interrupted by Marine.

"But Alpha, shouldn't you properly ask for his approval...." marine was hushed instantly with a cold stare.

"Delta, that is for me to decide and for you to execute. He is going to be staying here with his family as a rankless wolf pup and he doesn't seem to have a problem with it, why do you?" She growled at the end as a warning to the she wolf , should she ever try to question her again she should be punished.

But her father didn't remain quiet,
"This is bizarre, isn't it Gabrielle?"

Angel turned to look at her father and frowned,
"What is, dad?"

"Why did you break your own rule number 1?" Her mother asked with a grin.

Angel shrugged, " it doesn't matter, i had a change of heart. It's just a once in a while thing, it won't ever happen again.

I smiled, she was getting soft for real now. She caught me and glared, i quickly looked away.

"That is all, further arrangement should be made for them. Jaxon you may head to town if you feel the need for a job if you are bored. Tomorrow your gamily and yourself are going to be taking the oath and you will officially be pack members." She spoke with authority but there was not an ounce of kindness.

Jaxon nodded with a grateful look on his face.

" you are all dismissed." And we all got up to leave but Angel stopped me.

"Xander, will you please take them to their rooms. The west wing of the pack house has 3 free bedrooms and the east one has 7. The rest should be given rooms on the second floor."

"As you wish alpha." I turned around and motioned for Jaxon to follow me.

"Please my family first." Was all he said and i complied.

The walk to the last room that is Jaxon's was quiet but then i decided to break the awkward silence.

"So.......did the Alpha really pity you?" I was actually really curious.

"I don't know, she just changed her mind quickly out there, i thought i would be dying there yesterday. And why do you call her alpha? Shouldn't it be luna?" He answered me with a question, i signed.

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